Grand Rapids Club


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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2005
After reading the IMPBA minutes,I'm seeing some interest in the Grand Rapids Mi. area to re-form a club. :)

Also some posts from Ron Olson who also has expressed the same.

I'm not far from there at all and am very interested along with a buddy of mine.

If there's anybody here on I/W that is also interested,please let us know.

And Ron,please keep me posted,and if there's anything I can do,please let me know.

We really do need a club around here and I'm looking forward to it if it happens.

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Thanks Walt.

I e-mailed Scott VanSlooten last night and found a message this morning from him. He doesn't know of who the person is either and usually he has his finger on the pulse of what's going on up there.

I know that I can get a few people from here and more in the G.R. area that would love to see something happening anywhere on this side of the state.

The Great Lakes Racers wanted to try to get something going with boats as they had a pond next to their old car track in the old Dry Land Marina building off 28th Street west of Chicago Drive but it kind of fell through as the property was owned by a gravel company.

Maybe someone at Hobby World or Rider's Hobby Shop may know who the person is.
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I haven't spoken to Mark S. in a while, but there will be a club in Traverse City, soon. We're on the west side of the state, just a clip to the north. :) We used to have a decent group of dude's running, but it fell apart. We'll be back & stronger than ever by next year, I'm convinced.
I haven't spoken to Mark S. in a while, but there will be a club in Traverse City, soon. We're on the west side of the state, just a clip to the north. :) We used to have a decent group of dude's running, but it fell apart. We'll be back & stronger than ever by next year, I'm convinced.
Glad to have you in Saginaw

Hey you guys, Ron and Scott--- I was talking to a Don Rosie at the pond the other day. I heard some stories from the old days. He's not running anyting right now but still has some models laying around.

Keep me in the loop too. It would be cool to get something back together around here.


That is always an option,but it is 3 hours South of here. We will see how many would like to

run here, and go from there. :D


Mark Sholund
Just so you know, Tony and I have been writing back and forth to each other trying to figure out where the place is. From what he has told me so far, this might be the place as it's off a river and the only one that I know of is the Grand but the Rogue is mentioned on this site:

This place looks better than what most of us are used to as a race site and says that it's not a party campground but more of a "nature" campsite.

Anyone more in the GR area have any ideas?

That site looks awesome,but I'm guessing it's probably not the one.Although I wish it were.

Seems to me the campers wouldn't appreciate us being there.

Unfortunatly I'm not that firmiliar with GR.But I can always take a ride and take some pics if anyone has any ideas wich site will work and where it is.
HI GUYS Has any one called the campground yet to see if it is the place ?? Or should I do it ?? I don't race anymore but still have some stuff and have friends that do to . And I know if we had a spot to run they would show up too. I try to keep my fingers in it but have not run in a couple of years. I'm in Hudsonville. Scott
Not yet Scott. I was hoping that someone up around you might know of the place from the info that Tony sent me. He said that it was a campground on or just off a river. The Grand is the only one that I knew of but found the Rogue while doing a search. Using the AOL search didn't help out much as it showed some campsites that looked too close to the city, one on Leonard but not near a river.

Maybe one of the guys that we ran with that one day near your house might have an idea of who it might be.

I don't know my way around GR much either. I know where Hobby World is, Harbor Freight (big deal, almost next door to HW), Riverside Park, the Deltaplex and a few other places.

Call around if you could as you have a GR phonebook and you know the area better than we do.
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Hey Guys,

I just called Hobby world and Riders Hobbies in GR.

Neither place knows anything about anyone trying to get together to run boats.

Riders was no help at all,but the person at Hobby world told me that Kurt Tedford was the contact person years ago when they did have a club.

Anyone know Kurt? It might be a place to start.
Kurt is one of Scott's friends and is/was one of the Wave Runners. I kind of know him but it's been a long time ago.

I did some more searching and found a campground up in Cedar Springs near Wade but not much else.
Kurt is out of boating and I have been the contact person for some time now. Sorry to see Kurt get out bout if we get a spot here he may start again maybe . I called the campground Ron posted web site to and I'm waiting for a call back from them the lady I talked to did not know if it was them or not . Scott
Kurt is out of boating and I have been the contact person for some time now. Sorry to see Kurt get out bout if we get a spot here he may start again maybe . I called the campground Ron posted web site to and I'm waiting for a call back from them the lady I talked to did not know if it was them or not . Scott

That campground is right by my old work. It sets right where the Rogue dumps into the grand. I had been there once when I was a kid. It seems to me that it isn't a large camp ground at all. I don't remember a pond being there; however, like I said earlier, I was pretty young I was there. There is a farm pond up by me that I have been wanting to ask the owner about. It sets right next to the off ramp at sand lake. It would make a great practice pond, but I don't think it would be too good for a legal course. There is another pond that I know of, however, I don't know who the owner is, and there are houses within eye-shot of it. That one though is plenty big enough for a legal course and the ground leading to it is really flat.

I have been too busy to make contact with anyone about them though. I barley have time to spend with my family.
I know where the place is. It is only a few miles from my house. Never been there though. I drive past the area all the time. I think finding a pind would be great, may get boating rolling again in the area. I once called GR Gravel about some ponds in the same area but they said they do not allow people to use them. Probably to much of a liability thing for them. The one I called about is right behind the MC D's on Norhtland Drive, beteween Plainfield and West River Drive.
Don't forget about the couple of us in North Indiana. We might want to play also, that is if you invite us. :rolleyes:
Don't forget about the couple of us in North Indiana. We might want to play also, that is if you invite us. :rolleyes:
As Ron says,

Come on up.Also think about comming up for next years Kalamazoo fun run. :)

Ron does a great job at the lake and I surely hope it continues.

It's very informal and a really good time.


I've just got a kayak for a fetch boat.We can use it next year if you would like.

If Randy comes next year we might have an aluminum boat with a 10 on the back too.

Hopefully we can eliminate the annual inflatable purchase.

Also hope we can do something around here for a club.We really could use one.

Will the mystery person PLEASE stand up.
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