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Do you see co workers or supervisors facebooking all day long

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Who cares it dont effect my job

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
I work commission and all day long my service writers and manager along with the dispatcher are facebooking all day long. I was wondering if its an epidemic or im just too old to understand. Yes I text and check email but not all day long,I feel in the long run this is going to cause great concern everywhere......
The kid that works under me does it all day long. I program, and he runs the router table, so i dont really have a problem with him doing it in between switching materials and loading the table, AS LONG as the area is cleaned up, parts are put into bins and labeled, and the table is running. Now, every now and again he gets off kilter and I have to give him a not so friendly reminder to get him back on track.
i got 1 guy that works for me does it ALL DAY.. finally told him take you phone to your truck. don't bring it back it in.. if facebook is that important then ask mark z the guy behind facebook to send you a pay check.. otherwise hit it.

i dont get the obession either mikey.. i have to awnser 2 lines of phones at work and a cell at work a cell at home.. why do i need to put on a computer where i am at or what i am doing.. JUST CALL IF YOU WANT TO KNOW !!!!!!!!!!! LOL work is work. the only thing i do is get on iwaters and that is only when i get time..

guess it is a NEW WAVE or something

The kid that works under me does it all day long. I program, and he runs the router table, so i dont really have a problem with him doing it in between switching materials and loading the table, AS LONG as the area is cleaned up, parts are put into bins and labeled, and the table is running. Now, every now and again he gets off kilter and I have to give him a not so friendly reminder to get him back on track.
You must have alot of patience Rodney 'cause if it were me after the third "not so friendly reminder" he'd be heading for the door.............

I don't understand this Facebook obsession either, I haven't and have no desire to join. If I want to talk to someone I pick up the phone or send an e-mail. B)
My kids and Gkids finally got me to join Facebook....its okay for keeping in touch with my family as they are all over the place, but i honestly find it BORING for the most part...seems like its about people posting pictures of themselves and talking about mainly nothing...i dont spend anymore time on it than i have to, but i know people who are on it all the time. I dont get it either!
facecrap........... the dumbest thing ive ever seen........... just another place for people to air thier dirty laundry,,, ive seen more drama come out of facecrap then ever in my whole life.... it amazes me how people will type stuff they would never say in person,,cause they know better,,,but with a keyboard under the fingers they type away........... useless IMHO,,,, wouldnt sadden me one bit to see it go down the tubes....... who gives two sh#@* what you had for breakfast,,,or if you went to the mall......hmmmmmmmmmmm did you crap green this morning too???,,,,,,,rediculous....... i purely have a true hatred for facebook as you can tell,,,,,makes more trouble in life than its worth....... anyone using it can have it,,,,,,,, means nothing to me,,, now if a person was doing it while workin for me,,,YES,,there would be an issue...... otherwise facecrap away............

my worthless 2 cents about it..........
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you guys are so much behind the times...facebook replaced myspace which that site has more viruses then you can shake a stick at...facebook you have chat room with all your friends thats on your list...but ya I do agree with you guys..you dont facebook while your on the job..you shouldnt even text neighter..Alden if you think facebook is bad at people saying what they eat and so on,twitter and tweets is just as bad..dont care for twitter...
facewhat :blink: ????????? that's my story, & i'm stickin' to it.
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