Zipp servos


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
Yeah yeah,.. I don't want to hear the lecture about using cheap servos..

has anyone had any experience with these yet? Thinking the small ones for throttle and needle.
Haven't run them in a boat yet,

But can say they survive being dunked and used while submerged in water, AFTER being treated with Trio, from CC racing.

And I mean submerged for 3 to 4 days,

Testing in the boat should start soon though
Well I am going to try them. I know that Joe does his best to provide quality products at a good prices.. They have been there for a while.. If they were bad he probably would have taken them off the site by now.. if they last one season, for throttle or needle,.. heck you can't go wrong..
i had two and they stripped and slipped like crazy..I Put in savax for Thoutle and 3rd channel work great

You had these servos slip and strip on throttle and needle? When the linkage on those applications was set up well, I have only had servos die,.. like the HS81's used to ,,, just quit.. never stripped a throttle or needle servo
I doubt the 225 will fail anytime soon, kevin. the one in my .21 jae is going into season #4. believe me as bad as i drive, & as fast as that boat is , the 225 on rudder HAS been tested.........
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every thing was set up smoth.same set up now and no problems with the savox servos.most of the problem was on the 3rd needle .Ive had my time buying cheep but its better just to get the good stuff.less work.
I see your point.. I also think there there are good products that can be had for low cost.. they are improving a lot I think.. We will see.. Ill let you know how they work.

You had these servos slip and strip on throttle and needle? When the linkage on those applications was set up well, I have only had servos die,.. like the HS81's used to ,,, just quit.. never stripped a throttle or needle servo

If you go on a public forum, and ask for opinions, you are going to get them. What I don't understand is why you would then go back and try to defend the choice and stance you have already made almost to the point of "calling them out" for not sharing your opinion. Go back through the posts above and read them. You may want to warn people next time that you are only looking for POSITIVE feedback........ :eek:
Definitely not trying to call anyone out. Seems to me the only one calling anyone out, is you Ron. Just because I'm surprised to hear about stripped gears on throttle and needle servos.

I thinck it was the rubber boots that are tight on the push rods .those zip servose just wern stong enough to handle them being tight.but try one.may work for you my friend.and on a good needle it takes some pull to mave them if there new.
We do sell 3 different servos.

Our 5001 servo is recommended for throttle, needle and small rudders (12 size). It is a High torque, high speed, ball bearing, metal geared digital servo.

With 36 ounce inches of torque, I don't think that there is a pushrod seal made that would stop it.

The other is an 8 gram light weight, plastic geared, low torque analog servo for tiny airplanes. It's 14 ounce inch rating would prolly have a hard time with any resistance.

Plus, vibration would kill it in short order.

Please send back any of our products for a cheerful refund, including shipping both ways (in the US).

also check the end points on trans... and make sure the pushrod is not binding...learned this the hard way on airplanes... I have also used solar servos... cheap and fast not sure about how long they will last. testing them out on a pitts m-12
A little Vaseline on the rods eliminates the binding altogether and completes the water-tight seal. Try it sometime!!!