Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there


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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2003
Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

I am looking for a good tunnel that sets up easy and can handle small chop. IS there such a hull made?

I Like the HTB and Leecrafts.

Something else you all know of?

thanks for any info
Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

Go for the larger hulls out there - especially if you run a mod motor.
Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

Hi nitrotoys.

This is a hobby, the pretty thing is to create its own design of tunnel,

I have four designs and the four is the one that better to run and I have learned many tips in my designs, that is the pretty thing of this hobby.

the better designs are in wood if it do not you believe look the Villian S1 by Grim (power surge racing) and designs by JD

Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

I hear you there Gatt...but i am now trying to buy a couple of good designed tunnel to see what the big boys incorporate into their designs :)

Mind showing us some pictures of your tunnels man? and some things about your setups? Would be nice :)


Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

Gatt...your English is getting better! I understood what you said! :D
Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

THanks guys for the info.

I will be running a stock, CMB On K&B foot.

I have the motor, just like to set up a tunnel.
Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

Hi Nitrotoys,

The obvious thing to do is build one of Jerry Dunlaps new WOF 3.5 tunnels. With the powerhead combination you have should make for a great boat. Build it as 30" type even for you not full mod motor and it should cope nicely with roughish water.

Just my 2c as I am going to start building mine next week.

GT 8)
Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there



;D ;D ;D : :) : :) ;D ;D ;D

:p :p

Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

haven't even started mine yet - slack I know!


Any chance of taking some build pic's?

Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

Re: "Forgiving Tunnel Hull"

I think that phrase might qualify as an oxymoron. "Slight chop" is another interesting phrase. If I knew I was always going to be running my tunnel hulls in choppy water, I'd build bigger hulls. In a post last week, I think I mentioned bringing two sizes of 3.5 tunnels to the races. A calm water hull and a choppy water hull.

Here's a photo of my JD WOF 30/CMB 21 OB

Jerry D.
Re:Whats the most forgiving tunnel "HULL" out there

OOOOhhhhhh LLLLLaaaaaa LLLLLLaaaaa, very nice JD. That's better than the last 6-7 centerfold's in my monthly magazine, if you know what I mean!