What settings please for a Novarossi 28 carb? Or 21


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Tim Harris

Mar 12, 2013
Hi I'm having trouble setting up my Novarossi28 carb. The main needle seems to lean in anti clockwise direction. I have it open about 1.5 turns and can't get full throttle. It seems smoky enough so not too lean . When I put it up to full throttle it dies. The needle is a very sensitive rc lever type. This is my firs novarossi so I'm not used to them.

What settings do you youse please? Advice much appreciated. The instructions seem wrong and seem to be in broken English. "The debit of the fuel must be anticlockwise turned in totally opened"!! I think they mean closed?

Anyway advice much appreciated for a Novarossi newbie!
get a hold of glenn Q.If its like my 21 5p it may need the head clearence set.My 21 would not run right with the stock head shims.did what yours sound slike.
Cheers Robert. It's good to hear I'm not the only one finding setting up hard. On my JAE 21 it really goes well but I can't get more than half throttle! I'm running 20% nitro 18% oil quality fuel so the fuel hopefully isn't an issue. Can't wait to get the engine properly opened up! Thanks..Tim
The high flow needle (A) set to adjust the debit of

the fuel must be anticlockwise turned in totally opened (Hold the aluminum lever). Then closed again by 7,5 turns.

I just read the carb instructions and they are confusing. I'm thinking you open up the high speed needle (counter clockwise) all the way out and then you close it 7.5 turns? Then open the low speed needle all the way (counter clockwise) and close it 1.5 turns?
Tim, the instructions are telling you to turn the high speed needle all the way out (counter clockwise) and then turn it in 7.5 turns. This works just like any other needle valve. The 3rd channel part of the needle is what turns in the opposite direction.

1.5 turns out is way too lean...should be 3 or 4 turns out to start with for break in. The low speed needle should be ALL the way out (or better yet, cut it off with a dremel and get it completley out of the way).

Feel free to give me a call if you continue to have problems. 210 392-2271.

Thank you very much indeed Glenn Q, also Glen R and Greg. I really appreciate the help. What a great site this is! Where I run the boat in Stanborough lake in Welwyn UK, my son and I ( he is just 5) seem to be almost the only people ever to use the model boating lake, so unfortunately can't get advice there. We had so much fun running it last week and we can't wait to try to get full throttle!

I will try this weekend with the proper settings you mentioned above. I won't add the extra shim that came with the motor yet. As I mentioned earlier its a JAE 21 it's running in. I have been totally blown away by that boat . One problem i have been getting is water washing in a bit , but I have made an aluminium coweling this week. I just cannot believe the speed and cornering on the JAE21...even on half throttle ! Here is a link of last weeks run ..half throttle though! https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2eir4qme94q1m6/Clip%20%231.mov
Hey Tim, I know my brother had mentioned about the Elmbridge club lake. It's only an hour away and there are loads of use there that would be happy to try and get you sorted. And the lake is much much bigger than the one you're running on! There was a National race on Sunday there (here are some pics http://www.lmracing.co.uk/) and the next one is 12th may. Even if you just want to bring your boat and run it during the lunchbreak you'd be more than welcome. And the racing is great to watch!

All the best

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Thanks again Guys. I think I've got it. Took the engine out to have a proper look. What I realize now I was doing is that the main needle was left at factory setting, but I had moved it out via the rc lever another 1.5 turns. That's why it was just cutting on full throttle. I have re checked the main needle and also put the idle needle back to factory settings as above. After spending a bit of time taking a proper look I think I understand it now. The rc third channel needle is on a quick thread that opens in anti clockwise direction to richen the mix( thanks for explaining Glenn)

I have never had an rc 3 rd channel needle valve before....They didn't really do that in the 70s! When I was last boating. I haven't connected it on my jae21 to keep things simple.

Phill , I very much appreciate the kind invite to Elmbridge club but with my weekend family commitments its a bit hard travelling at the moment so just for the time being I'll be stuck with the Welwyn lake. It looks a really great club and you guys have some very impressive kit too.

Happy boating all and I'll let you know what happens after this weekends test. Hopefully the new coweling I have made will keep water out of the boat! :)

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