Virginia Craftsman........down but not out


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El Zorro

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2004
As some of you know, I was to have surgery today to repair my rotator cuff on my left shoulder............that's my good one. Well, I am back home now and things are still numb, but I'm sure things will start hurting when those meds wear off. The doctor told Pris that he couldn't repair all of what was torn, but did repair some and removed a large bone spur. Regardless, I will be in a sling for at least 6 weeks. I am sorry that I will not be able to do any turn fin work for a while so that I can heal up from this surgery. I still have a few people on my list to catch up on when I get better. I appreciate everyone hanging in there with me. This hobby has been a big part of my life for a long time, and I'm not about to give up on it now. It's not just about the boats but it's about the people and the friends you make along the way. I sincerely appreciate everyone's kind words and get well wishes at this time. Like Arnold said in the ' Terminator" movie; ' I'll be back '..................



Does this mean that you are not coming to Charleston>??????

Good luck with your GOOD shoulder, and do what they tell to get better fast

Walt Barney
Dick, I've had shoulder surgery in the past and opted to not have it a second time on the same shoulder (I feel your pain). Make it to those physical therapy session! I speak for many, you are a great guy to have in this hobby and make one hell of a turn fin! Everyone of my sport hydros has one of your excellent craftsmanship fins hanging from the right sponson. Take the time you need this hobby will be here. Your time and craftsmanship are much appreciated!


Hope all heals well. Do what the Dr's tell you and you'll soon be back in action.

Tom & Cindy
Hi Dick, (air biscuit )

Please get better soon. Your in our prayers . Nobody makes a trun fin like you. Gota play the ring toss next year

Had 2 of those done stay ahead of those meds or you will be sorry. dont wait till it hurts. Get well soon
DIck wishing you a speedy recovery and no pain. Keep your spirits up and forge ahead. Take your time as I know 1st hand jumping back into to work has left me hurting even longer than if I had just let things heal, Jerry
Dick, you are #1 and getting well and healing matter more than anything right now...turn fin orders later! We will miss you this weekend at Ft. Richie, MD race (pretty cool race site BTW).....staying at the Super 8 and stomache is turning from an awful Mcbarf!

Take care of yourself! ;)

...see you soon,

Take care of yourself and let things heal before you head out to the turnfin shop! those of us waiting for parts will be fine. The good stuff is well worth waiting for. Take care of yourself right now, that's the important thing. Would much rather see you feeling better and racing boats with us than home in pain trying to get parts done for people. Take it easy for a while and do what the DR tells you......By the way, it was nice to see you at the last race, hope to see more of you next year.
Get Well and Will come back on work !! Mr Tyndall
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You're in our thoughts Dick. Hope you heal quickly. We'll be missing you this weekend.
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