im assuming this is the cobra 1 robert?????..... ive owned one and personally seen several run at the pond i run at....... this is a very common thing with the cobra 1..... you add rudder input and it slides,,slides,,slides,,,then once you get to that certain point of rudder input,,,,WHAM,,,hooked.......... we tried so many different setups and they always turned this way......... take the hull and slap it on a setup board....... id bet the hull has a twist in it,,, id also bet when you push down on the back of the hull to get it on the setup board that the right sponson is high off the board,,obviously more towards the front....... check it for a twist.... mine had it......
it got to the point that we couldnt tame the cornering,,, so it came down to learning how to drive them...... not quite the point and shoot hull the others are... they do fly down the straights....