prop for sport 40


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Active Member
Jun 4, 2005
hi, what prop to use on a dumas eagle sport 40 with ops 45 and 40% nitro? also what length for pipe?...thanks
jinxjx said:
hi, what prop to use on a dumas eagle sport 40 with ops 45 and 40% nitro? also what length for pipe?...thanks

Try a Octura X450/3 blade and the pipe at around 10-1/2"
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An x-450/2 with 5.2" of cup will work well also. If your motor likes high RPM, a cupped up x-646/3 works well. We are testing some of the new ABC props as well.

Eric Canto

The Speed Shop

You and many others will not believe me,but an ABC 50 x 60 will be VERY

COMPETITIVE. A X-450/[email protected] would be another GREAT PROPELLER. I just

can't believe that some of these guys won't stop slowing their boats down

with all them three blades. :lol: Really guys, try a two blade and I doubt that

you go back to a three blade again. :D :unsure: :eek: The X-646/3 is a good

propeller and the X-447/3 is good also with a MAC 45 motor. It is all in your

set up, and I think a two blade will get the boat around the course very well.

Have Fun Testing, :D

Mark Sholund
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Mark I am surprised at that post. You being a prop guy should know better!

Its pipe and prop combo. My sport boat is much faster with a 3 blade 450 than it is with a two blade 450 anyday!


shoboat said:
You and many others will not believe me,but an ABC 50 x 60 will be VERY

COMPETITIVE. A [email protected] would be another GREAT PROPELLER. I just

can't believe that some of these guys won't stop slowing their boats down

with all them three blades. :lol: Really guys, try a two blade and I doubt that

you go back to a three blade again. :D   :unsure:   :eek:

Have Fun Testing,

Mark Sholund


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RaceCraftBearings said:
Mark I am surprised at that post. You being a prop guy should know better!
Its pipe and prop combo. My sport boat is much faster with a 3 blade 450 than it is with a two blade 450 anyday!


shoboat said:
Jinx,You and many others will not believe me,but an ABC 50 x 60 will be VERY

COMPETITIVE. A [email protected] would be another GREAT PROPELLER. I just

can't believe that some of these guys won't stop slowing their boats down

with all them three blades. :lol: Really guys, try a two blade and I doubt that

you go back to a three blade again. :D   :unsure:   :eek:

Have Fun Testing,

Mark Sholund



Ditto on that. The best sport 40 prop I ran was a cupped up X646/3 blade Mark did up for me. Besides the 3 blade props are smoother running. B)
I would say that a 3 blade does more than speed to a sport boat. It helps hold up the rear in the corners. My sport 20 does not like 2 blades. It drops it's butt and makes the ride ugly. My Mutt 2 corners awesome with the 3 blade. The 2 blade has a little more speed down the shute but does not turn as well. Anybody can make a boat fast down the shute. Its the corners were races are won.

The best prop I found was an Octura X-646/3 that I first started running on an AC Pro 40 back in the mid 90's. I tried 450's, 447's,448's,1400 series,everything I could get my mitts on. I fiddled and fiddled with it every heat untill the boat ride and speed was good. Used to run K&B 7.5's (till all the cranks were gone). Went to the Mac in 2001 (I think) and this was the perfect prop for that engine. Loads of rpm and alot faster than the K&B on its best day. You don't need the biggest prop to go fast.....
Ron & Don,

I think if you check, the IMPBA US-1 winner has a two bladed propeller on his

Sport 40 and 1/8th Scale boat. You can get them all to work well, it will just

depend on YOUR preference. :D

Have Fun Fellas,

Mark Sholund