Polishing/Buffing Imperfections of Klass Kote


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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2003
Hey guys,

I am relatively new to painting/finishing. I have painted 2 different hulls now with the Klass Kote line of paints. The second of the 2 was just this weekend and it was my FE powered SS45. I used the orange paint with the gloss hardener. The paint job turned out OK but there are imperfections I would like to try and fix i.e. bugs, lint, dust specks, and couple rub marks. What options, if any do I have for this? Can I wet sand and then hand buff with a polishing compound without losing the gloss finish?

if so what do I start with 2000 grit wet? What polish can I use that will work by hand.

I am not looking to go crazy here; I just want to clean up the top surface of the hull minimizing the amount of time invested.


Hi Mike,

I painted my boats this past weekend using Klass Kote as well but the condition was less than ideal. It was very hot and humid. I have some imperfection as well. Mostly dry spots that I missed while painting. What I am going to do is to let the paint cure for a week. I will then smooth out the imperfection. I would start with 600. At this point I see two options:

1. You can progress to 1000, 1500 and 2000 then polish the paint using 3M swirl mark remover (or other polishing compound).

2. You can stop at 600 and then clear coat over it.

I prefer to clear over the paint and decal since that would seal everything. It is very important that you let the paint cure completely before sanding. Tyring to buff the paint while it is still soft will ruin the finish.

Your epoxy paints will not buff out best to just wet sand out the spots and give it a auto clear coat, you can buff that out to a high gloss. Klass coat has the poly 2 part clear kits too.
Your epoxy paints will not buff out best to just wet sand out the spots and give it a auto clear coat, you can buff that out to a high gloss. Klass coat has the poly 2 part clear kits too.
i agree.. KLASS KOTE not the greatest to sand and polish.. better to sand with 600 then lighter grit and clear coat... KLASS KOTE does make a clear.. be careful what you use over top however as not all paints-clears are compatible!! fyi.. epoxy paints are one of the toughest around,thats why it is popular on boats... imron by DUPONT is very durable they paint semis with it, but it is a urethane paint and a breathing apparatus is recomended... i did the undersides of dumptrucks in N.Y. state and was put into a 'KINDA TRIPPIN STATE" when done.. full protection suit and outside air... stuff is BAD for your health.. not that any paint is good for you... just protect your self!! good luck