Peter's & May

  • Thread starter Douglas P Shepherd
  • Start date

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Looking forward to seeing it completed Doug. I know you do awesome work! maybe post some progress pics?

Great paint scheme.

I also got some fantastic graphics from Mike McKnight for my 2010 U-13 Spirit of Detroit. Great customer service from Mike.

I'm still trying to swallow the fact that another "Custom" graphics supplier made me some terrible decals that apparently are "non refundable" Most have a colored backround that makes them look like they were made by a kid in art class,but, that is another story.....

Keep us posted on your progress.
Sorry to here about that (BAD DECALS) Brandonclan. I will post pics . Doug
Looking forward to seeing it completed Doug. I know you do awesome work! maybe post some progress pics?

Great paint scheme.

I also got some fantastic graphics from Mike McKnight for my 2010 U-13 Spirit of Detroit. Great customer service from Mike.

I'm still trying to swallow the fact that another "Custom" graphics supplier made me some terrible decals that apparently are "non refundable" Most have a colored backround that makes them look like they were made by a kid in art class,but, that is another story.....

Keep us posted on your progress.
Sorry to here about that (BAD DECALS) Brandonclan. I will post pics . Doug
Some Pics of the 2010 P&M DPS-T6 All Vacuumed formed Composite Hull Just Before Painting
My 2010 Peters & May is off to the paint booth. I finished up the assembly , So I will take it all apart and start the fun job!!!
Today Preped Hull,cowl and parts for paint I got some H.O.C #506 on the Peter's and May .Bottom is white and everthing as is neon and cleared. Tomarrow I will sand the first coat of clear with 800 grit. and mask of the Blue and red off for paint. Apply the decals and reclear the boat again. Doug Shepherd Madison, In
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Well, after 20 plus hours in the refinishing the DPS-T637 Peter&May. Here is a Pic just before final Clear coat today. FINISH *** Note Boat is hanging Upside down in the booth cleared !!!!! More pic to come

P&M Before clear coat.jpg
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Hey Doug,

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL !!! Much too nice to race with the 'Wild Men' I'm used to mixing it up with. Ain't that right RB?? CHEERS !!! Bob
A couple of new Pics of the 2010 Peters & May. Just before going back into the shop to put back together. District 14 Opener @ Evansville May 14&15 2011



DSCF4543 reized pic.jpg
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Doug I forwarded a couple of these pics to my marketing contact at Peters & May in Chicago and they are impressed. They are dying to see the finished boat as well.