OT- too funny not to share


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
A friend of mine just sent me this & I have to share it, too funny not to-

Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide. Let's see now. . . .

No Jesus, No Christmas, No television, No cheerleaders, No baseball, No football, No hockey, No NASCAR, No tailgate parties,

No Wal-Mart, No Home Depot, No pork BBQ, No hot dogs, No burgers, No chocolate chip cookies, No lobster,

No shellfish or even frozen fish sticks, No gumbo, No jambalaya, No Hooters chicks, No Beer!!!

Rags for clothes and towels for hats.

Constant wailing from the guy next door because he's sick and there are no doctors.

Constant wailing from the guy next door praying to Allah.

You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel dung.

The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times.

You can't shave.

Your wife can't shave.

Your bride is picked by someone else.

She smells just like your donkey.

But your donkey has a better disposition.

Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!

I mean, really, is there a mystery here?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And no R/C boats or racing of any kind.

No mystery there.

Nothing to live for anyway.
Not a "mystery", a "deception", far more powerful than a mystery.
no, a "religion", MUCH, MUCH scarier! this IS NOT meant as anti christ-a lot OF BELEIFS ARE CALLED "RELIGION". thes age old traditions/beleifs are why we step in and get our butts kicked-we are fight a "war", they are fighting for stuff they have beleived for thousands of years. kinda like the local cops thinking they could straighten out the hatfields and mccoys :lol: . very funny piece, don, but you left out the part about the donkey being better in bed.
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Coming from actually fighting terrorists. We don't get our butts kicked. This war would have been won if liberals would get out of the way, the media got kicked out and our generals were left alone to plot victory. Trust me I'm someone who has seen this first hand <_< Sorry if I offended anyone I guess a nerve of mine was hit :unsure:

BTW Don very funny :lol:

Simper Fi
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Coming from actually fighting terrorists. We don't get our butts kicked. This war would have been won if liberals would get out of the way, the media got kicked out and our generals were left alone to plot victory. Trust me I'm someone who has seen this first hand <_< Sorry if I offended anyone I guess a nerve of mine was hit :unsure:
BTW Don very funny :lol:

Simper Fi
i owe you and everyone else an apology! "getting our butts kicked" was the wrong words to use. i guess it's more like one of those trick b-day candles-you blow it out, and it relights. our military can (and will, if allowed) stomp them into submission, but the minute you go, they start again. to them it's not a 'war', it's a way of life. fundamental differances in beliefs that have been going on longer than we have been a country! thousands of years longer. IMHO, its kinda stupid for our leaders to think they can change thousands of years of history in just a few years. vietnam, cambodia and laos is a good example. that wasn't about communism and democracy. those 2 interests just happened to be supporting different sides. that was tribal/religous wars that had been going on since recorded history. the british, french and dutch (i think) had already tried to "help", and gave up. i agree saddam needed to be stopped, but to think you can change a peoples way of life is ridiculous to me. first, they have to want to change.....
While we are at it. In the second world war we defeated Russia,Germany.Japan.

Bush has had five years and can not even make the road from Bagdad to the Airport safe.
While we are at it. In the second world war we defeated Russia,Germany.Japan.
Bush has had five years and can not even make the road from Bagdad to the Airport safe.
WRONG! It ain't Bush's fault, it's all the congressional softies who are too worried about waging "politically correct polite wars" as opposed to just going in & getting the job done, the same BS that started back in Vietnam. My brother-in-law is in the service & has been over there, he says the general population has no clue what's really gong on, only what the liberal bleeding heart media wants you to know. We have the baddest military on the planet & a bunch of softies on capitol hill more worried about who they'll "offend" instead of going in and kickin' some ass. Doesn't matter if they've been fighting each other for hundreds of years, they know now our military is getting run by public opinion, just like the VietCong figured out it back in the late 60's. We had the chance to get this done the first time during Desert Storm but public opinion & the capitol hill creampuffs stopped our military in it's tracks. Then we turned our backs on the ones that we convinced to help us back then & left them hanging, no wonder they hate us now. :angry:

Bush's mistake was trying to go in & clean up the mess daddy left behind ........

BTW- Russia was on the same side in WW2.
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QUOTE(Propjockey @ Jun 18 2007, 06:52 PM)

One plane, one bomb, one glass floored, self-lighting parking lot.

soon as we fiqure out how to drill for oil thru hardend silicat, the middle east will no longer be a problem

QUOTE(Propjockey @ Jun 18 2007, 06:52 PM) One plane, one bomb, one glass floored, self-lighting parking lot.

soon as we fiqure out how to drill for oil thru hardend silicat, the middle east will no longer be a problem

sideways, from next door :lol:
Just my opinion, but I have a strong, deep seated belief about the situation.

If our politicians would just make the decision that we need to go to war, then shut the hell up and let the military folks (trained in warfare) make the plans and decisions, we wouldn't have nearly as many problems getting the job done.

How can a general make decisions with the whole dam world looking over his shoulder, Monday morning quarterbacking his every move in the media?

You can not run an efficient war and be politically correct at the same time. The Lib's like to think they are smarter than everyone else, but the evidence says otherwise. I believe they actually keep things fouled up on purpose so they can remain in power to solve the problems they create, which they never do. Reminds me of a dog chasing his tail?

And the BIGGEST problem is the voters don't seem to learn from history, or care. They just keep reelecting the same folks over and over again. Shouldn't lessons learned from history be a good teacher? Didn't Vietnam teach us anything? It sure doesn't seem like it.

Sorry, but one of my nerves got hit too, and I won't even comment about the award Jane "Traitor" Fonda is receiving. That Bi_ch should have been tried for treason and executed in the 70's, or at least locked in a cell with some of the survivors that passed her the notes.

yeah, the way the us "manages" a war is kinda like the referee asking for a fair fight before the match. ain't no such thing! a politically correct war? hah, that's one hell of an oxy'MORON'-wonder why that word's in there? :lol: .