New JAE45 and 21


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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2006
Here's my new fleet for 2012.

Newly finished JAE45. JAE21 was completed end of last year and have been tested.


The 21 weigh 1685g with a heavy battery, but no hopping so that's good.

The 45 weighs 3025g. I did not try yo build it light. 5mm plywood in the hull, extra reinforcements in the right spoon. If this work out good I will build another in carbon to next season.

I will try to test it tomorrow (Monday), should be interesting.

Fredrik Lundahl
Fredrik I guess you are in Europe as your pipes are muffled!I'm curious to see how your 45 goes with this pipe.Is it a Cmb vac in it?Good boating


No it's a AA45.

Yes I live in Sweden.

It's a ops65 pipe on it. I will also test cooper45, AB parabolic 45.

Fredrik Lundahl
Well tested the boat today.

Only tested the ops65 pipe and it defiantly needs some more testing.

The big issue is that the boat drags hard to the right.

I have the right spon has a 2mm toe in. Max I can get. To tight fit. The fin is from Mike Hughes any ideas?

Fredrik Lundahl
In my experience this is due to the relationship between the turn fin and the strut... IS the transom square? if not it will put angle on the strut.. not too big of a deal.. you can shim the strut one one side. try to see if the strut and turn fin are at least close to parallel, and then a touch of toe in on the TF,.
rodney, you can also shim the turn fin (tf), to get rid of a pull, if sponson toe won't do it ;) .not the best way to go, but a route you may have to use, if nothing else works.......
Fredrick I faced same issues with my Jae 45 in the begining.Solved it putting 1/8"toe in on the right sponson,shimmed the strut to produce 3 degrees to the left and used a 18kg rudder is running perfect.Also keep your fin( have the same) 1" from the rear boom and make sure the bending lines are parallel to the tub.Hope this help

The rudder needs to be deep on the larger JAE boats. The gas JAE riggers can have the same problem. With so little sponson in the water, the deep rudder is needed to control prop walk and torque. I have seen the gas JAE riggers run good with a deep rudder and also mounted on the left.

With a left mounted rudder, a left dragging force will cause the boat to turn left, so that seems to be a good place to put the rudder on a larger JAE....

Those are my thoughts. :)
Hi I have 50mm (2") rudder below the ski.

I have allsow put a shim on the stur to give it about 2.5-3.0 degrees to the left.

I will Try the boat tomorrow.

Fredrik Lundahl
"Fredrik mine is a little bit deeper 2,2" but seems that your changes will produce some effect...let we know and good test.Gill

Raced with it today at the first competition for this year.

It runs rather good. I only have to trim a bit to the left now, will work on it more after the race.

Speed is ok, Could use a bit more. (Anders Martinell is darn fast when he get his stuff right :rolleyes: )


Fredrik Lundahl
Congrats for the victory this weekend, that will be a corner killer :unsure: .

Home to put together my new boat i think.............

Yes.. congrats..

next race ill have sorted out my eagle and give you a fight for 1 place

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