Izitstorm'nyet ?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2002
Cat 2 possible 3 by landfall, 12 foot storm surge, manditory evac........

East coast Dudes HEADS UP!!!!!!

Gene ;D

If you look on the map My house is the one with the
and my weekend place is the one with the


Unfortunately, My job will keep me here for the storm. Even in a mandatory evac. I've got plenty of gas for the generator and lots of provisions ;D

Looks like Va Beach will Evac tomorrow with the storm hitting Thursday morn.

yep, strap in for a ride if your near the eye. we survived "andrew" about 10 years ago down here in miami and i drove down through where the eye crossed the day after. total devastation... as far as the eyes could see. looked like an A-bomb went off. every roof near the eye's path, about 20 miles wide all the way across from the east coast to the west coast of florida was removed. trailer parks were non-existent, they looked like trash dumps with nothing left standing above 3 feet high. 2x4 boards stuck right through tree trunks! large boats were beached hundreds of yards inland. the forests were mowed down flat like matchsticks all the way to the horizon, not a tree left standing anywhere. big trucks upsidedown on the sides of roads. that was a cat 5 with 150 mph sustained winds and 180-200 mph gusts. scary man, definitely. my condolences to n carolina residents, be careful :eek:
Thats a Grim looking picture huh? ( no offense Mike ) I too have to stay and ride out the storm due to my job (medical field).

I dont think it will be a big problem for us in Charleston unless it starts heading more East. I live about 5 miles form the shore in our new place and road to the beach today to look at the surf where we used to jump waves with the jetski's........ Its as big as ive ever seen it, and gonna get bigger. the local surf report had 8 foot waves with the occasional 12 footer to day with 12 to 16 feet by thursday. Its always a little higher there because of the "sandbar" they built to help erosion control.....

Good luck to the guys in the direct path, I went through Hugo in '89 and wouldnt wish that on my worst enemies.

~ James
"Wave heights have reached 8 to 12 feet just offshore in many locations and have climbed as high as 23 feet about 290 miles east of Charleston,"

^ I just read this on weather.com ^

23 foot wave is no joke!

I witnessed a 17 foot freak wave on daytona beach a bunch of years ago, I watched it form and come onto the shore past the beach into the public parking lot and flood out 30 or 40 cars before it receded. then after that it was normal 3-4 foot waves all day! WEIRD !!!!
Sounded like a Tsunami :eek: If you ever see the ocean suddenly drop run like crazy!
Winds are picking up and it's getting dark..........it must be time to open the first bottle ;D

Not too bad here in Virginia Beach. My neighbor just lost a tree but it was a Bradford pear (notorious for breaking easily). Winds have only been gusting to 60 so far. Maybe 1” rain. So far Izzy isn’t Shizzy.

Hurricane Isasmell after action report from Va Beach

My shrubbery Vs.

Hurricane VS.
My roof

My stairwell Window Vs.

Number of people here because I have a generator

Number of people sober here

My neighbors new hummer took on a tree and lost. I told him it looks like a Volvo now but he didn’t find that too funny (I disagree :) )

Thanks for the concern fellas. The insurance is paid up, so everything/everyone is fine here 
was watchin CNN a little before it made land fall waves were already HUGE! they kept panning to the water, I kept loking for that one nutcase you always see tryin to surf it.... still haven't seen it.......

-you know if it were me i'd be grabbing my longbaord. NOT-
LMAO I was going to say hang in there, but seems your humar is all there and I liked that about how many are sober.

smashed hummer, I would say looks like a volvo also.

Hang in there, and stay safe, and keep that gen gassed up.