IMPBA Sport 20/40 2012 Rule Proposal, Author Needs Input Please


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Well my sport 40 is now changed to external strut like the sport 20.

Funny thing thought when I took it from internal to external I found out that the person who I got the hull from had offset the drive 1/2 to the outside of the hull. Hardly ran the hull due to handling issues ....

So this might have been one of my issues.

Checked the instructions and it was to be mounted center so it is now center.

Time will tell on the changes for my hull.
I see that the SP20/40 rule proposal will make illegal the current SP40 oval record holding hull. Will I be allowed to continue to race my hull if this rule passes? Is the record void, as the design is now illegal? I know that my Betke hull is only one of a handful of hulls that were produced, but it was deemed legal when constructed. Do I now need to replace it if I want to continue to race in SP40? I don't think this is right to make previously legal boats that have been raced at sanctioned IMPBA events illegal from further competition. There should be some sort of mechanism to grandfather them through a hull registry.

What to do, what to do........
I have placed my to wait to see if I have to build a new hull to race. If so, you can bet that I will push the new rules to the limit.....
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Any hull that is currently running that is deemed illegal if the new rule passes will be grandfathered.