IMPBA Rules Proposal


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ACLazer said:
Rip also fails to see or mention how it will help the smaller and mid sized Districts have MORE Voice too  <_<   Two smaller or mid sized Districts could cancel out D2 completely.


I sure would like to know what friggin' math you're using! This ain't doing squat for the smaller districts except putting them FURTHER behind. A team up of D2, D4 & D5 will control the ENTIRE vote procedure. Dom, how stupid do you think everyone really is?? <_<

And since it has been said that this is being put out to vote for membership in December Roostertail, I want to see exactly how ALL board members voted on this proposal that got it out to a member vote in the first place. I can't believe any directors of the smaller districts can't see how F'd up this truly is! :angry:

And I STILL have not had anyone explain why the gas & FE director gets a vote but NO other directors do. Thats not right either. :angry:
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The more I learn about this organization, the more amazed I am. One member, one vote. There is no other fair way.
This is impressive. Not sure how I may vote yet but the yelling cursing, etc on this is amazing.
akilbar said:
This is impressive.  Not sure how I may vote yet but the yelling cursing, etc on this is amazing.

Can you tell some of us are pissed off! :eek:
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Don Ferrette said:
ACLazer said:
Rip also fails to see or mention how it will help the smaller and mid sized Districts have MORE Voice too  <_<   Two smaller or mid sized Districts could cancel out D2 completely.


I sure would like to know what friggin' math you're using! This ain't doing s#!T for the smaller districts except putting them FURTHER behind. A team up of D2, D4 & D5 will control the ENTIRE vote procedure. Dom, how stupid do you think everyone really is?? <_<

And since it has been said that this is being put out to vote for membership in December Roostertail, I want to see exactly how ALL board members voted on this proposal that got it out to a member vote in the first place. I can't believe any directors of the smaller districts can't see how F'd up this truly is! :angry:

And I STILL have not had anyone explain why the gas & FE director gets a vote but NO other directors do. Thats not right either. :angry:


Don the minutes have not been published but I believe the Directors at the Nitro Nats BOD meeting tabeled the proposal and did not vote on it. However, according to the IMPBA Constitution it was a properly executed proposal and still must go to the members for a vote. After it is published in the Roostertail, member's votes will be sent to their District Director and the Directors will vote at the next Executive Board Meeting.
riph said:
Don the minutes have not been published but I believe the Directors at the Nitro Nats BOD meeting tabeled the proposal and did not vote on it.  However, according to the IMPBA Constitution it  was a properly executed proposal and still must go to the members for a vote.  After it is published in the Roostertail, member's votes will be sent to their District Director and the Directors will vote at the next Executive Board Meeting.

So why is it then that some proposals get voted on & killed by the board & this goes out with no vote?? :blink:
Rip, if you really want to get rattled, guess where the former Prez of the IMPBA lives and he gets a vote also! Sorry, I can't see where they should have a vote either. They are out of office and have no other powers nor should they! We might as well give the Queen of England a chance to vote. Bill Clinton can't do anything now that he is out of office.

I agree on the Gas boat director and the FE director not having a vote as they would in reality have two! Why not the Safety and Outboard directors?

It's not my fault that I live in D-2 territory, some of the races in D-14 and D-4 are actually closer for me. I just hate driving through Chicago traffic unless I really have to. I feel for Mark Sholund as he has to drive a LOT farther than I would.
Don Ferrette said:
akilbar said:
This is impressive.  Not sure how I may vote yet but the yelling cursing, etc on this is amazing.

Can you tell some of us are pissed off! :eek:


Nope, not at all. :p It makes me realize that my discussion about stock outboards is a waste of time. It doesn't matter whether any individuals want to change, if the people at the top say don't change, nothing changes.

Oh, the cat's supposed to arrive on Monday. I hope UPS is taking good care of it.
Terry Keeley said:
Where's District 21?

Thats the district that they put the International members eg Francois there are 6 members parked there no director
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For some reason, IMPBA doesn't want a one vote per person. This is what everyone wants, and I believe this is how it should be. Since IMPBA doesn't want this, I believe Dom's proposal is MUCH better than the old system.

Brian Blazer said:
...... I believe Dom's proposal is MUCH better than the old system. Brian


I guess you do since you reside in the district that will have 7 votes. <_<

There is no way I will support a system that will allow a team up of 3 large districts to essentially control the voting of the IMPBA.

And another point that was previously made shows another flaw. Let's say D2 has a vote turn out of 100 people & 51 favor what they're voting on & 49 don't. That district will cast SEVEN votes in favor when 1/2 of the voting members in that scenario didn't want it.

Sorry guys that dog don't hunt. :angry:
Actually District 2 using the June 30 membership gets 6 votes. since the district total is 201 ( I think my dyslexia is kicking in either that or senility). That would reduce the percentage of D2 and increase the others. To Dons point just think how a District with 200 members voting on a solid DB cap rule feels when their vote is negated by one of the voting executive that do not have a district or constituency. As it is right now 28% of the voting power lays with the president, past president, and FE and Gas directors. This proposal balances that out a bit. revised -
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Tony Jacuzzi said:
.  As it is right now 28% of the voting power lays with the president, past president, and FE and Gas directors.  zzi/proposal.htm[/url]

Which is why I've been against the gas & FE directors & past president having voting ability. No offense to those guys but this is how I feel.
Don Ferrette said:
Tony Jacuzzi said:
.  As it is right now 28% of the voting power lays with the president, past president, and FE and Gas directors.  zzi/proposal.htm[/url]

Which is why I've been against the gas & FE directors & past president having voting ability. No offense to those guys but this is how I feel.


Just so you know, the FE and GAS directors almost always abstain from voting on issues that they have no involvement in. I.E. FE director did not vote on the noise issue.

Tony, I think you should also revise your analysis to give D2 two votes in the current system column since you are over 200.

Brian Schymik said:
Don Ferrette said:
Tony Jacuzzi said:
.  As it is right now 28% of the voting power lays with the president, past president, and FE and Gas directors.  zzi/proposal.htm[/url]

Which is why I've been against the gas & FE directors & past president having voting ability. No offense to those guys but this is how I feel.


Just so you know, the FE and GAS directors almost always abstain from voting on issues that they have no involvement in. I.E. FE director did not vote on the noise issue.

Tony, I think you should also revise your analysis to give D2 two votes in the current system column since you are over 200.



- Hi Brian:

Bill said no to the 2 votes until we restart the year as we did not have a good membership list for the start of 2005. so in 2006 D2 will have 2 votes.. Tony J