IMPBA Rules Proposal


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ACLazer said:
I read the proposal and will definitely vote AGAINST it. While the current system may not be perfect I refuse to be a part of allowing one or two large districts to completely control the IMPBA. Florida (dist. #3) is & has been talking about coming back to the IMPBA. With this rule in place that district & perhaps one more large district could have a stranglehold on the entire organization. :eek:
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I have to do along with Don. Things like this are like the Electorial College and completely messes up voting. Look at what it's done to voting for the President of the United States! I still prefer one member, one vote no matter where you live. Now that we've had members from Australia and France that come to the Internat's, what voice does that give them? They have no district!
Don Ferrette said:
ACLazer said:
I read the proposal and will definitely vote AGAINST it. While the current system may not be perfect I refuse to be a part of allowing one or two large districts to completely control the IMPBA. Florida (dist. #3) is & has been talking about coming back to the IMPBA. With this rule in place that district & perhaps one more large district could have a stranglehold on the entire organization. :eek:


I concur. One member, one vote. If one district votes more than another then so be it. If a member does not vote then they have no right to complain but most likely will anyway.
:eek: :eek: :eek: COUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUST THE DICTATOR..................

We have been down this road before ALSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don DO like my Crystal Ball

.......................................... ;) ;) ;)
I'm opposed to having a weighted vote. Why should my vote carry more weight than anyone who lives in a less populated district?
This Proposal is as about as close to a single member vote as the IMPBA would ever allow. I agree and would love to see a single member vote put into place but the BOD would never even entertain the idea and it will never happen. This proposal will also give the smaller Districts the MORE voting power that they deserve. Flordia pulled out as a result of a Proposal much like the one I have prepared above when it was never put to vote.

Thanks for everyones input :)
Don Ferrette said:
ACLazer said:
I read the proposal and will definitely vote AGAINST it. While the current system may not be perfect I refuse to be a part of allowing one or two large districts to completely control the IMPBA. Florida (dist. #3) is & has been talking about coming back to the IMPBA. With this rule in place that district & perhaps one more large district could have a stranglehold on the entire organization. :eek:


Florida NAMBA members are not currently talking about going back to IMPBA. This was brought up BRIEFLY last year and was soundly defeated in an informal poll of District three clubs. I know this because I personally polled our club, Brandon Model Boaters, which I believe has one of the larger memberships in Florida. Exactly two members were actually for returning to IMPBA, out of twenty-one. There has been no mention of IMPBA membership at the two District meetings I have attended since then.

Don Riek


Brandon Model Boaters
Don Riek said:
Don Ferrette said:
ACLazer said:
I read the proposal and will definitely vote AGAINST it. While the current system may not be perfect I refuse to be a part of allowing one or two large districts to completely control the IMPBA. Florida (dist. #3) is & has been talking about coming back to the IMPBA. With this rule in place that district & perhaps one more large district could have a stranglehold on the entire organization. :eek:


Florida NAMBA members are not currently talking about going back to IMPBA. This was brought up BRIEFLY last year and was soundly defeated in an informal poll of District three clubs. I know this because I personally polled our club, Brandon Model Boaters, which I believe has one of the larger memberships in Florida. Exactly two members were actually for returning to IMPBA, out of twenty-one. There has been no mention of IMPBA membership at the two District meetings I have attended since then.

Don Riek


Brandon Model Boaters


Is that right? Well it goes against what I've heard from the numerous boater friends I have in Florida. I was told it was tabled for further discussion, not "soundly defeated" as you imply.
Don Ferrette said:
Don Riek said:
Don Ferrette said:
ACLazer said:
I read the proposal and will definitely vote AGAINST it. While the current system may not be perfect I refuse to be a part of allowing one or two large districts to completely control the IMPBA. Florida (dist. #3) is & has been talking about coming back to the IMPBA. With this rule in place that district & perhaps one more large district could have a stranglehold on the entire organization. :eek:


Florida NAMBA members are not currently talking about going back to IMPBA. This was brought up BRIEFLY last year and was soundly defeated in an informal poll of District three clubs. I know this because I personally polled our club, Brandon Model Boaters, which I believe has one of the larger memberships in Florida. Exactly two members were actually for returning to IMPBA, out of twenty-one. There has been no mention of IMPBA membership at the two District meetings I have attended since then.

Don Riek


Brandon Model Boaters


Is that right? Well it goes against what I've heard from the numerous boater friends I have in Florida. I was told it was tabled for further discussion, not "soundly defeated" as you imply.


In order to be tabled for discussion, it would have to have been discussed in the first place. It has not been discussed at the last two District meetings, and since we voted to place all items for discussion on the NAMBA website prior to the district meeting , it will be easy to see if it is. Just check the NAMBA District Three website for items put on the agenda. I am only trying to dispell the rumor that Florida boaters want to return to IMPBA. Any active Florida boaters that disagree with my comments, please speak up. Don
The Florida group seems to have the best of both worlds. They have the freedom of making their own District rules that NAMBA allows and they seem to run their races by IMPBA rules. :rolleyes:

I agree with Don. If this proposal passes, two districts could control the IMPBA regardless of how many members voted in the districts. Also what if 15 guys in a district vote yes on an item and 14 vote no. Do the nos get a vote in the final count?? <_<
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This Proposal will better help balance the current voting procedure in place and actually a few small Districts could cancel out the larger Districts. This is about as close to a single Member vote as you can get ;)


These numbers are a few months old and I know the Member count of the smaller and larger Districts have since grown.

District 1 with 81 Members have 2 Votes.

District 2 with 189 Members have 6 Votes.

District 3 with 53 Members have 1 Vote.

District 4 with 120 Members have 4 Votes.

District 5 with 140 Members have 4 Votes.

District 6 with 23 Members have 1 Vote.

District 7 with 63 Members have 2 Votes.

District 12 with 64 Members have 2 Votes.

District 13 with 66 Members have 2 Votes.

District 14 with 46 Members have 1 Vote.

Like I said before, I would love to see a single member vote but it will never happen. I would support it if it was ever presented for a Member Vote.

Ron, I agree and would support a Proposal if it was ever prepared and presented for our Foreign Race Friends. I suggest if you feel that strongly about it that you should prepare a Proposal, get 10 IMPBA Signatures and submit it, I would support it.


"This Proposal will better help balance the current voting procedure in place and actually a few small Districts could cancel out the larger Districts."


"This is about as close to a single Member vote as you can get"

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Like I said before & looking at the above list, 3 districts could control the ENTIRE org. No thanks!! May I ask what district you are from Dom?
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Don Ferrette said:
May I ask what district you are from Dom?

The largest, Ohio. I am also from Ohio but do not agree with the proposal. Dom, you say a 1 for 1 vote would never fly, why is that? Maybe it's because the large districts would never be for it. Sort of like asking a law maker to vote for term limits.

Like I said before, I would love to see a single member vote but it will never happen. I would support it if it was ever presented for a Member Vote.

I was told it would never fly or even get a chance .......... :(
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WOW!! Now D-2 will have 7 votes. This proposal should not and probably will not be passed. Guys for once in your life send in your vote to your district director on this proposal when it is posted. VOTE NO!!
riph said:
WOW!!  Now D-2 will have 7 votes.  This proposal should not and probably will not be passed.  Guys for once in your life send in your vote to your district director on this proposal when it is posted.  VOTE NO!!

Very interesting analysis Tony and the numbers speak for themselves. Thank you for taking the time to prepare it.

Rip also fails to see or mention how it will help the smaller and mid sized Districts have MORE Voice too <_< Two smaller or mid sized Districts could cancel out D2 completely.


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