I Waters Rocket Club


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15-20mph winds are common place down here in south Texas, I havent flown yet because of my work. but i wonder if anyone has flown in that type of wind? my only guess is that you may have to walk further to recover it, but it would still fly up there wouldnt it? :unsure:
Yep.. get your walking shoes on..

We fly up to 20mph..

Our field is pretty big- but when I see other guys with lower power searching the woods-

No thanks

The club I launch with only flies once a month - So , if the weather sucks , its a long wait till next time

Like Grim said JR - they will get up there just fine,

its a matter of how far your willing to chase it
well the rc flying field I use down here is roughly 3/4 x 1/2 mile. I replaced most of my rockets that use a 12" chute with streamers made from 1.75" wide crepe paper from Hobby Lobby and any rocket that had a 18" chute with a 12" one thinking that would help recover my rockets back instead of watching them float away....
well the rc flying field I use down here is roughly 3/4 x 1/2 mile. I replaced most of my rockets that use a 12" chute with streamers made from 1.75" wide crepe paper from Hobby Lobby and any rocket that had a 18" chute with a 12" one thinking that would help recover my rockets back instead of watching them float away....
On that note, Im considering flying some of the smaller stuff on streamers verses chutes- so I can fly on the smaller field and get some flights in

Is there a rule of thumb number on rocket weight to streamer length ??

And a cut off weight where a streamer becomes useless pending rocket weight ?????

Most of what I would consider flying that way are RTF stuff that have plastic fins-

But Im wondering about the Technology Fuels Rocket with wooden flight fins ?

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I dont know of any formulas but I can tell you.. if you break the fin off a plastic rocket its almost impossible to fix.. the other however no problem.

Shove as much streamer as you can in them.

Guys a re there any on line stores that sell rocket engines or is that a no no for shipping.I have a friend looking for some deals on engines and ignitors.
well the rc flying field I use down here is roughly 3/4 x 1/2 mile. I replaced most of my rockets that use a 12" chute with streamers made from 1.75" wide crepe paper from Hobby Lobby and any rocket that had a 18" chute with a 12" one thinking that would help recover my rockets back instead of watching them float away....
On that note, Im considering flying some of the smaller stuff on streamers verses chutes- so I can fly on the smaller field and get some flights in

Is there a rule of thumb number on rocket weight to streamer length ??

And a cut off weight where a streamer becomes useless pending rocket weight ?????

Most of what I would consider flying that way are RTF stuff that have plastic fins-

But Im wondering about the Technology Fuels Rocket with wooden flight fins ?


Heres a pretty good forum that I hang out at. There is a way to figure out rocket weight to recovery ratio but I don't know the formula.... Im sure its here somewhere. http://www.rocketryforum.com/

Theres tons of good info and pics on this site too. B)
Hope to get out flying on sat.. the club has a launch setup for that day but the weather has been tricky to say the least.

Report back on Tues..
Hope to get out flying on sat.. the club has a launch setup for that day but the weather has been tricky to say the least.

Report back on Tues..
Keep us posted Grim, I have missed the last 3 launches due to either work or weather

It sucks having 2 new rockets to fly and cant get there

Here is to hopeing for good flying weather this weekend.

I have a SLEW of new birds and would like to get em in the air!


Others.. keep us posted if you get any flying in!
Here is to hopeing for good flying weather this weekend.

I have a SLEW of new birds and would like to get em in the air!


Others.. keep us posted if you get any flying in!
Our next club flight is the 18th-

Im off work and dont have the on call phone- so. HOPEFULLY I cant get my new stuff up in the air.

Keep us posted with some pics and vids Grim, always like seeing your stuff.

Launch Report 11 June 2011

The CIA hosted there first launch of June 2011 at Dodds park in Champain.

Club members showed up around 12 noon for pad setup and a very excited young man named Jonathan was the first to fly. He made his very first flight ever with a Alpha III powered by an A8-3.

All in all about 12 club members were in attendance and about 10 to15 spectators.

My first flight was with the new Estes HighFlyer XL using an Estes E9-6. On board was a mini video cam. The winds were brisk from the west. The rocket screamed off the pad. The long burn of that ever trusty E9 sent the rocket quite high. The video on board captured all the earth moving away to recovery deployment. As the rocket made its way back down it was drifting east.. it looked like it was going to make the field but over the creek it went and what looked to be on top of a building. The rocket was not recovered “yet”. We are still hoping to recover the rocket and video camera.

As the rest of the club members assaulted the sky Club member Adam Joseph was intently hunched over his rocket. He was prepping his rocket for a NAR Jr Level one official flight. With the help of his flying buddy (his dad) he slipped the rocket on the 1” 80-20 rail. The motor was an H148R-S. When the call came up for a heads up the range was clear the count down commenced. At ZERO the button was pushed and you could hear the motor build pressure. The rocket left the rail with full authority and managed just around 1,000' alt. The rocket drifted about 800' down range for a perfect level one flight. Congrats Adam!

I only captured one more video and it can be seen here

At about 6pm we call the day a success and headed to Monicals for Pizza!



Winds West North West at 12-15

Partly over cast skies

My flight stats:

18 flights using 24 Black Powder Engines

1 Flight using a composite Engines

Least single N flight 2.2Ns (Gyroc 2010)

Most single N flight 111.6N (Quaddaddy)

Total Ns 324.8 or 72.98lbs thrust

Maidens, HighFlyer XL, Warrior (Scratch 2 stage mini)
