Happy Thanksgiving!


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Not sure how usa can celebrate a romanctised day named thanksgiving !
It's unfortunate that people are oblivious to the truth.
No how about you just research,it's unfortunate that schools dont teach truth and just edit history to their likings .Similar **** happens here..Dont take it too personally just bringing it to light..
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No how about you just research,it's unfortunate that schools dont teach truth and just edit history to their likings .Similar **** happens here..Dont take it too personally just bringing it to light..
ALL countries have a history of good and bad deeds, peace and war, good and evil......best to learn from both based on what the truth is and is in fact not........mankind is imperfect and always will be......why be bitter?
ALL countries have a history of good and bad deeds, peace and war, good and evil......best to learn from both based on what the truth is and is in fact not........mankind is imperfect and always will be......why be bitter?
Mankind is ,,humans are monsters
Mike do you even know what I'm talking about ?I'm sure you do..most just don't want to know or care..I boycott such similar days here..So yes I do take it personally,.you don't have to
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