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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Well another year older Ron!! :eek: you old goat!!lol.. :lol: I hope you dont over do it! :p lol......So I hope you have a good one. :D
Well, that didn't take long once you found out on FB! :D

I overdid it last weekend and I found out so did some others as I've been feeling older than my age since Monday. I saw that Stu is aching and talked to Kevin Sheren tonight and he's also hurting from all of the walking and standing we did.

It's just going to be another day around the house, going to work but taking Saturday off. I still haven't unloaded the trailer yet so I'm going to do that. Kevin is stopping by and so is a new guy to RC boating. If I have the time then I'll work on the JAE gas 'rigger so that I can get that back to Joe ASAP.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON!!!! Has anyone asked if you wanted the Senior discount yet? Happened to me a few years ago. I was a little suprised but just said YAA SHOORE!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON!!!! Has anyone asked if you wanted the Senior discount yet? Happened to me a few years ago. I was a little suprised but just said YAA SHOORE!

Thanks everyone.

I haven't had too many places offering it to me yet. It seemed to be worse once I hit the Double-Nickle though as that's when I found out that I was eligible to live in Senior Living places.

I got a haircut a couple of weeks ago and afterwards there was this old man staring back at me in the mirror. :( THAT was a wake-up call that I'm not a kid any more. The mind is still young but the bod is going.
Hey Ronald happy happy birthday!

well, talking about getting old ,,, one sign of getting old is being forgetful and i know somebody went to a race and forget to shut off the boat receiver switch and draining the battery, resulting to missing a heat race :unsure:

seriously, thanks a lot Ron, i had a good time staying in your tent and all the help....

Happy Birthday, Ron from Del Reo, TX. We just got back from running GQ's twin 12 rigger.

Glenn, I just saw over at the Dock that you're hitting the big 5-0 today! Get any mail from the AARP yet? :D

Jul, I don't know how that RX switch got left on, I've got a boat chucker to blame for that! Usually I double-check that stuff myself. Not even a no signal chatter from the servos.

Mike, it was nice to meet you in person last weekend. Rod, good to see you back online again.

Lastly, Happy Birthday to those who share the same day as me.


your not getting older your just getting............................................................................................... oh well its older. :(

what can we say. B) be kool. have a good one.

Dan, we can keep up with the kids for a while then fake it the rest of the way!

I gotta go put some more Icy-Hot on..............
****, how did i miss this one, gettin' old i guess :p . happy b-d ron!! hope you have a happy, healthy & safe year. we're the same age until feb., then i'm 1 up on you again. like my sig says - GETTIN' OLD AIN'T FOR SISSIES :lol: :lol: . funny but oh so true. don't feel bad about the switch left on, i went testing last tues., left the prop box at home.......take care, hope to meet you at a pond one day ;) .
That's fer sure! It's a wonder that I've made it this far. All of that stupidity that I did when I was a young-un is catching up to me now.

Just keep the mind young and enjoy this one shot that you have on this planet.
That's fer sure! It's a wonder that I've made it this far. All of that stupidity that I did when I was a young-un is catching up to me now.

Just keep the mind young and enjoy this one shot that you have on this planet.
Thats all any of us old(er) guys can do....Happy Birthday Ron! :)

Bill, You and Ron are still PUPS in my book- now get the Pay&Pak done!!!!! I'd like to see a few pics of on the water while I'm Young! :D .

That's fer sure! It's a wonder that I've made it this far. All of that stupidity that I did when I was a young-un is catching up to me now.

Just keep the mind young and enjoy this one shot that you have on this planet.
Thats all any of us old(er) guys can do....Happy Birthday Ron! :)

Bill, You and Ron are still PUPS in my book- now get the Pay&Pak done!!!!! I'd like to see a few pics of on the water while I'm Young! :D .

Me too Glenn.....me too! :rolleyes: Talk about a boat that has kicked my ass!! :blink: :D
That's fer sure! It's a wonder that I've made it this far. All of that stupidity that I did when I was a young-un is catching up to me now.

Just keep the mind young and enjoy this one shot that you have on this planet.
ron, my attitude is that the object is not to arrive at the end with a pretty, well preserved body, but to come screaming in doiing a full broadslide, jump out & exclaim "****, what a ride!"