Happy Birthday Brandon Atwell


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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2005
Happy birthday Lil Bro!!

Turning the big 16 today, how you've survived Dad and Uncle Tony at the helm these last few races without me, I don't know. I guess under the guidance of the Godfather and with Smart Monkey working on all of your stuff I guess they can't lead you too far astray.

Words of wisdom on your birthday:

-What happens at the race, stays at the race (aka don't tell mom)

-Contrary to popular belief, moonshine is not for washing parts

-Duct tape DOES NOT fix everything

-Always remember proper grammar n dunt tipe liek Unka Toni

-No matter how much you workout, you'll never be as big as Jay

-If you ever need parts for ANYTHING, Ron Shaw probably has them (if not ask Shane)

And lastly

-Just because you're driving for real now, doesn't mean you're any closer to ever beating me on the race course

Happy Birthday bro. Hope you have a good one!

Boy u better respect ur elders. your little brother is twice the help u ever wher at the races
{daddy fix this
Kevin help me
uncle tony im hungrey } . Mr 1.5 off maybe u should of let Brandon give it a try haaaa. He knows the rules.

Oh yeah happy birthday little buddy hope you have a guddenn
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Brandon, Happy birthday, wow 16???? is that correct? Daddy Mitch bought the vette yet?????? See you soon, Henry
Happy Birthday Brandon. I hope you are having a great day!!!!!
Happy Birthday Brandon! You have to have skin as thick as an elephant to hang with the Jackson Klan. The only way to get respect in the Jacksonville crowd is to force feed them a transom sandwich and wash it down with a rooster tail shooter.

Happy Birthday Buddy hope your day was great and looking towards seeing you at the race