Fall Finale


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Got a couple question for ya,

1- Camp site. Is there electricity, restroom? Is a camp fire allowed?

2- Do you have enough boat for Gas Cat and Gas Sport Hydro? These are the classes I'd like to run in if you have enough of them.

Let me know, thanks.
Mikki Yes you can camp at lake side no there are no open fires allowed because the area is in a severe drought as of right now. As of this now i have one cat and one gas hydro but i expect that to increase. No electricity and there will be a porta pot at the site.
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Got a couple question for ya,

1- Camp site. Is there electricity, restroom? Is a camp fire allowed?

2- Do you have enough boat for Gas Cat and Gas Sport Hydro? These are the classes I'd like to run in if you have enough of them.

Let me know, thanks.

Hey Mikki,

let me know if ur interested of camping,,also it's time for your thunderboat to race..

Hey Mikki,

let me know if ur interested of camping,,also it's time for your thunderboat to race..


Are you talking about camping at the race site or somewhere nearby? I'm game for the camping part, but not sure about not being able to have a camp fire though. It's getting cold out, lol.

The thunderboat is almost done. Gotta find the time to put on the decals, then off to the painter again for a few more clear coats. Not sure if I can race it though, you heard Amy. She claimed the boat and probably won't let me ding it up racing.
Rocky, my entry was sent only yesterday hope it's not too late,, btw, may i asked if how many signed up for D tunnel? is it possible to change the D tunnel to open tunnel? just wandering ;)

Mikki, let's just play it by ears how's the weather gonna be, but i really like to camp..good to hear about the thunderboat's progress..

Ok some news. First it seems as though mother nature just does not want us to hold a race. The drought has brought our lake level down to around a foot. So We have been trying to find a lake and we did the race will be held at the madison lake on the 9th. I know this might affect the turnout some but I am sorry we had no choice. We are looking into fixing this problem but it wont happen this year.

Here is what I have so far.


Monica Swisher

Kevin Swisher

Chris Thorton

Nate McKay

Cody Thomas

Devin Thomas

Aaron Johnson

Amber Dunlap

Richard Risinger


Jul Alvarez

Garry Geiselman

Matt Schymik

Mike Starret

Monica Swisher


Jul Alvarez

Garry Geiselman

Mike Starret

Alan Elzer

Sport 20

Aaron Johnson

Sandra McKay

Phil Thomas


Jul Alvarez

Garry Gieselman

Matt Schymik

Brian Schymik

Alan Elzer


Brian Schymik (points leader) Series winner!!

Matt Schymik

Mike Board

Bob Dygert

Dale Douglas

Sam Hagan Jr.

Dave Hagan

Phil Thomas

Kevin Swisher


Dale Douglass (points leader)

Brian Schymik

Mike Board

Bob Dygert

Chris Thorton

Kenny Hildreth

Doug Shepherd

Gas Sport Hydro

Dave Swisher

Mike Board

Open Gas

Dave Swisher

Mike Board

Rick Risinger

Bruce Soberg

Gus Dolan

Gas Cat

Gus Dolan

Rick Risinger


Chris Thorton

Mike Board

Don McKay

Rick Risinger

Wayne Dunlap

Phil Thomas

Doug Shepherd

I am open to running any class as long as they have 4 boats. I know there were some B Hydro guys out there that were talking about it.

That were we stand as of today.
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What time is the drivers meeting?? We'll be driving over that morning, need to figure out what time to leave since you all are an hour ahead.
What time is the drivers meeting?? We'll be driving over that morning, need to figure out what time to leave since you all are an hour ahead.
Most drivers meetings at any race ever attended in the last 25 years are between 7 :30 and 8 :30 just as a rule of thumb . Get there an hour early and you should be alright to make your first round on time .
What time is the drivers meeting?? We'll be driving over that morning, need to figure out what time to leave since you all are an hour ahead.
Most drivers meetings at any race ever attended in the last 25 years are between 7 :30 and 8 :30 just as a rule of thumb . Get there an hour early and you should be alright to make your first round on time .
Rocky, after further consideration, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to withdrawl from this race. Bad timing, Fall Festival here in Evansville and Saturday is about the only time we'll have to take the kids since I'm out of town all week. Good Luck to all racers and to Rocky and his gang for doing all he can to make this race go and the Madison bunch for stepping up and giving them a place to hold it. Look forward to seeing everyone next year!!
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Around 8:30 Arron gonna try and have some open water early. Gotcha Sam and David sport 40.
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Hey Rocky I am going to be running late sat morning I wont be there till about 9:30 or so. coming home from work that morning.
We can't wait to go racin. The Propwalker Club is so happy that we were able to help out with the race site. Come one come all. It should be a barn burner of a good time. Let's go racin boys...

Ok it is shaping up to be a good one day race. If you are coming please let me know by Weds of this week. We are at 53 boats we need some gas sport hydros, gas cats and sport 20's
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We can't wait to go racin. The Propwalker Club is so happy that we were able to help out with the race site. Come one come all. It should be a barn burner of a good time. Let's go racin boys...

So is the race going to be in Madison?