Dog ate my Rigger parts/Message from Tom


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2002

Well I heard from Tom, We did a few emails the other nite. He informed me that the FF parts he was going to send, The dog ate all but the tub sides!!!!! **** Dog :eek:

Really, he was serious, he left them a little too close to the side of the table.

Oh Well, A plywood munchin Pooch, Sheeeeeeesh!!!!

Anyhow he says howdy and hopes to be back on soon.

He is goin bonkers bein off line so long. Thats why I have been posting so many pics, he can FTP to the site at work and look at them. Drop him a Email and chat, he will like it, his Email addy is on the main page.

Later Dudes,

Gene ;D
Boy, I kinda know how that feels! I had just brought home an old Cox contol-line car that I had just gotten from a guy at work who had it since he was a kid. It was a Ford GT-40 car complete including all of the original parts and box in primo condition. I set it on the kitchen counter while I made a quick run to the store. Came home to a chewed up body!

i got Tom's email from his profile, but for the message came back undeliverable....did he say anything 'bout a new email address or something?

Yeah the one in his Bio is down he is changin internet providers, the one on the mainpage is his work Email.

Gene ;D

Ron, that is a shame, the old Cox stuff is gettin rare to find.

thanks gene. i'll send him an email demanding that he get rid of this hard clear stuff on top of the water immediately!! ;D ;)

gracias hombre.

for the record, my dog chews anything and everything he can find, including the house [i used a couple of those new words from my dad that time] so he stays outside.... :p


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