Darin's P-Ltd OPC Lynx FE Conversion


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1.33-1.36 is 6 sub 16 second laps in competition which is really an accomplishment even with a minor course dimension. The record is 106.31 or 1.46.31. On a surveyed 1/3 mile we have clocked more than one P spec tunnel break 28 seconds unoficially for 2 laps. 13 second laps are possible with your Lynx and I would bet your there already. Pretty stout numbers that a mod 21 nitro would be happy to have. Good Job, Mic

With the exact same setup, on an official course at Legg Lake in June, I ran the boat to a new 2-Lap record of 30.xx... I then put on a "fast" prop from Brian's magic silver box, and dropped the record to a new OFFICIAL time of 28.92 seconds.... There is at least another second there, if I can get the boat to make a smoother transition off the corner and onto the straight... had to peddle it for the first 1/4 of the straight to keep it on the water. Some tuning and tweaking would settle that down.

Sure if fun to drive such a competitive package!
OK, well... it's "back from the grave" that almost was. Legg Lake island overhang +1, Darin's Lynx, 0.

Last November, while attempting to capture the P-Ltd OPC Tunnel SAW record, I had a momentary lapse in spacial relationships and ended up hitting the infamous overhang on the island at Legg Lake.

The damage was localized, but prominent, and to add to the pain, the Dubro 3.5 Outboard mount did it's job and the nylon block sheared away... highlighting the need to add a lanyard to these setups to prevent the now detached outboard assembly from sinking to the bottom of the lake. Yup... Make that Island Overhang +2...

Anyhow, I spend part of the winter very carefully repairing the hull, and the results aren't too bad.





My repair pics are all stuck on my phone, but basically just show glassing and filling and sanding and more filling, etc... Standard repair stuff. I will say that this area is now the strongest part of the boat. I'll get the pics off my phone and post them later.

Back to the clear-coat... I sprayed two coats of the PPG last night. Turned out nicely.

As you can see, matching the colors, being both water based, and metallic, was a challenge for me. Not really even close, but I just couldn't get it to work out. I guess it's a full-race boat now!

Have the new Lawless 3.5 Lower all modded and bolted in place as well. Had I felt like soldering at 8pm last night, I would likely have finished this, but I was pretty tired at that point. I'll try to wrap it up tonight or tomorrow...

Darin it looks good. I see that you have all your tools perfectly laid out in the back ground. You are a neat builder for sure. I hope to hear more about your FE stuff. I hope you and Brian get the chance to make a new run at the record time again soon. Glad to hear you are not near that mud slide.

Thanks, Carl, but the "organized" bench is a bit of an illusion! I try, but things do get piled up when I'm really working away.

I believe I have the hull back to where it was. I was lucky in that the ride surfaces and sponsons in general didn't seem to get whacked too hard, and I was able to get it back together without adding a lot of filler, etc. Weight should be OK still.

I was also able to carefully mark the lower unit location and only had to replace the nylon part of the mount, so getting it setup again shouldn't be that difficult. I hope I'm right there, because this thing was on rails, and I'd like to get it there again.

Probably no more SAW work for this hull... I need to build a dedicated hull for that next time!
Jerry Dunlap snapped a GREAT picture of the Lynx at full-song at the last NAMBA D8 Race in Eugene, OR... Boat went on to run a 6-Lap heat racing time of 1:36, followed up by a 1:33 in the final heat. Unfortunately, the course only had 65' diameter corners instead of the required 70' (Official course required 35' radius, and this was set at 32.5'), so we couldn't apply for an official record... Current record is 1:46 I believe.
Thats a very nice action picture!!!!

OK, well... it's "back from the grave" that almost was. Legg Lake island overhang +1, Darin's Lynx, 0.

Last November, while attempting to capture the P-Ltd OPC Tunnel SAW record, I had a momentary lapse in spacial relationships and ended up hitting the infamous overhang on the island at Legg Lake.

The damage was localized, but prominent, and to add to the pain, the Dubro 3.5 Outboard mount did it's job and the nylon block sheared away... highlighting the need to add a lanyard to these setups to prevent the now detached outboard assembly from sinking to the bottom of the lake. Yup... Make that Island Overhang +2...

Anyhow, I spend part of the winter very carefully repairing the hull, and the results aren't too bad.
Ouch that must hurt......

Job well done on repairing it Darin.

And like Carl said, your workbench looks organized....

Btw, I love these kind of threats where people show the progress of building there stuff.
All finished up and ready to go again.

I installed a different ESC, but am going to go back to the original ICE 100 I have been running. The newer, larger ESC added 3oz to the overall weight, (it's twice as heavy as the ICE 100), and with the little bit of extra weight added due to the repairs, I don't want to carry that much more.

Otherwise, I just hope I was able to get things really close to where it was before and that the tuning process gets her back where she was prior to my brain fart!