Can the boaters band together for a charitable cause?


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Jan 14, 2006
You may have seen the Grand Prix Classic in the Events section. And it won't be the first time that you've seen a race benefit a charitable cause. Well this may be the first time that you've seen a race that allows you to contribute to the cause no matter if you race or not or even attend or not. Every year the Grand Prix Classic has benefited a charitable. We have even made donations to the American Cancer Society on behalf of the first President of NAMBA, Gary Johnson, who we lost to Cancer several years ago. Well this year we have decided to partner with a local mattress company that has a charitable organizations that donates new clothes to Foster Kids. If you attend the Grand Prix event you can particpate by bringing a New Unused article of clothing. However, if you are not able to attend due to time, distance or both you can still give to this worth while charity. I'd like to see the community of RC boaters make a measurable impact somewhere in our neighborhood communities where we can point and say... "We did that!" Will you join me?

We are off to a good start with a goal of raising $5,000. This isn't just from RC boaters however, this is from whom ever has heart for our kids. If you'd like to contribute you may do so directly to the organization online. It's secure. It's direct. It's tax deductible and it can even be anonymous. We have people that have given from $10 to $100 but anything you are willing to give is much appreciated. To make a donation and help the RC boating community shine in the community visit... and make your donation today. It's not for me. It's not for the race. It's for the kids. In this case it will be those in the direct vicinity of the race location which is Sacramento California. Let's make an impact.

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