Buckeye 880 & Thunder in the Valley races


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
Saw a post on JRCBD about no nitro hydro classes being offered at these two races so I went to the IMPBA website & looked up the race flyers & sure enough, both races are only offering nitro mono classes (with E & F mono combined?) but plenty of gas classes. What's up with that????? I always thought the Buckeye was a big nitro hydro draw. :blink:
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Saw a post on JRCBD about no nitro hydro classes being offered at these two races so I went to the IMPBA website & looked up the race flyers & sure enough, both races are only offering nitro mono classes (with E & F mono combined?) but plenty of gas classes. What's up with that????? I always thought the Buckeye was a big nitro hydro draw. :blink:
Since Ron quit the club has moved to all gas and do not allow nitro boaters access to the pond. So for me, I drive an hour away to run boats instead of 20 minutes.
Saw a post on JRCBD about no nitro hydro classes being offered at these two races so I went to the IMPBA website & looked up the race flyers & sure enough, both races are only offering nitro mono classes (with E & F mono combined?) but plenty of gas classes. What's up with that????? I always thought the Buckeye was a big nitro hydro draw. :blink:
Since Ron quit the club has moved to all gas and do not allow nitro boaters access to the pond. So for me, I drive an hour away to run boats instead of 20 minutes.
Are you saying that the gas boaters do not let nitro boaters run on a IMPBA pond?

Mark bullard
I don't get why some people feel they need to exclude others who share a love of racing, but prefer a different type of fuel. The only incompatibilities that exist between nitro and gas powered boats is in people's heads. Sure they are different classes, but so what? It's a pity people can't figure this out and just get along.
Saw a post on JRCBD about no nitro hydro classes being offered at these two races so I went to the IMPBA website & looked up the race flyers & sure enough, both races are only offering nitro mono classes (with E & F mono combined?) but plenty of gas classes. What's up with that????? I always thought the Buckeye was a big nitro hydro draw. :blink:
Since Ron quit the club has moved to all gas and do not allow nitro boaters access to the pond. So for me, I drive an hour away to run boats instead of 20 minutes.
I find this hard to believe that they won't let nitro on their lake. They are running nitro classes at their race, just no riggers. They are free to choose which classes they run...I have no problem with that. I do have problems with excluding nitro guys using their pond.

Fact is though, a lot of nitro classes are about dead in the southern half of D2. The Northern half still runs a lot of Nitro. Ohio is mostly gas now.

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Saw a post on JRCBD about no nitro hydro classes being offered at these two races so I went to the IMPBA website & looked up the race flyers & sure enough, both races are only offering nitro mono classes (with E & F mono combined?) but plenty of gas classes. What's up with that????? I always thought the Buckeye was a big nitro hydro draw. :blink:
Since Ron quit the club has moved to all gas and do not allow nitro boaters access to the pond. So for me, I drive an hour away to run boats instead of 20 minutes.
If this is an IMPBA insured pond can they refuse access to a member in good standing??

This disturbs me greatly!!! Why on earth would anyone turn away a fellow boater regardless of what they run?? I NEVER turned away anyone in good standing no matter what they showed up with!! Back when gas was laughed at by alot of people I didn't laugh, it was another boater to me & went out of my way to help the fledgling gas movement when I ran the D.C. club. I remember spending one Thursday before a race thrashing on an old cat hull & cutting up an actual weed wacker to make a boat for the gas hydro class so they had enough boats to run. I could have as easily said screw it & killed that class for the race but I wanted everyone to be able to play!!! The gas classes exist because of a bunch of us primarily nitro boaters helping to get things going & THIS is how we get repaid??? :(

Something is really wrong with this picture. We are all in this together ............... or so I thought. :blink:
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They are running nitro classes at their race, just no riggers.
The only nitro hydro classes being offered are B&D o/b tunnel, sport 40 & scale. It's not only no nitro riggers, it's no nitro hydros outside of the typically lower draw specialty nitro classes which mean the nitro cat guys are out of luck as well.

They are however offering gas cat & gas rigger classes at both races .................... :blink:
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Next thing that will happen is they will exclude us from the IMPBA and if some of them had there way it would be sooner than later. Down here in the south right now "Nitro Boaters" are looked on as a pain in the A$$ when it comes to scheduling a race and a lot of club presidents are not encouraging much nitro either. I have heard that when a nitro boater calls in to give a CD his class & frequency he is being told they don't have enough in that class to run............ Sad but true......... If it ever happens to me the first one to hear about it will be my District Director followed by the Pres...Mr. Zuber....... :angry:
Something is really wrong with this picture. We are all in this together ............... or so I thought. :blink:
It's kind of hard to reconcile some inconsistant messaging that's on the NCPH web site:

" The Premier all Gas RC Racing Club of NE Ohio"


"This is a club that wants to keep the spirit of Radio Controlled Boating alive!"

It seems they want the "spirit" alive as long as it's "all Gas".

Fact is though, a lot of nitro classes are about dead in the southern half of D2. The Northern half still runs a lot of Nitro. Ohio is mostly gas now.
I wonder if this is from a lack of interest in nitro, or direct action against nitro from people who are only interested in gas? When a club completely rules out nitro from their club series, nitro boaters in that area are faced with driving long distances, dropping out of racing, or selling off their nitro stuff and going to gas.
Guys let not get to cared away. This concerns me greatly also. And I hope that Joe will tell me more and I am sure that maybe Tony Jacuzzi may have been hearing something about this also. And Bill I have not heard of this going on in D5 but the area that you are at has always been on the edge. And yes if this does ever happen to you or any other boater in D5 you better let me know.

We help these boaters out when they had no type of class racing. We build the first classes for them and from there it built from that. The thing that they are missing is the fact that it makes no difference if it is a gas boat, nitro boat, boat with purple poka-dots, or a boat with red poka-dots. These boats are just different classes and we are all just model boaters.

Guys let not get to cared away. This concerns me greatly also. And I hope that Joe will tell me more and I am sure that maybe Tony Jacuzzi may have been hearing something about this also. And Bill I have not heard of this going on in D5 but the area that you are at has always been on the edge. And yes if this does ever happen to you or any other boater in D5 you better let me know.

We help these boaters out when they had no type of class racing. We build the first classes for them and from there it built from that. The thing that they are missing is the fact that it makes no difference if it is a gas boat, nitro boat, boat with purple poka-dots, or a boat with red poka-dots. These boats are just different classes and we are all just model boaters.

The next nitro boater that calls & ask me if I am attending a certain race because they don't have enough of E-hydro, Sport 40, 1/8th scale or what ever you will be the first to know, be D-5 or D-7.

On a brighter note, can't replace those "TWIN NITRO RIGGERS" now, can we? Their twin gas boat would be out of the max displacemnt ........ B)
Guys let not get to cared away. This concerns me greatly also. And I hope that Joe will tell me more and I am sure that maybe Tony Jacuzzi may have been hearing something about this also. And Bill I have not heard of this going on in D5 but the area that you are at has always been on the edge. And yes if this does ever happen to you or any other boater in D5 you better let me know.

We help these boaters out when they had no type of class racing. We build the first classes for them and from there it built from that. The thing that they are missing is the fact that it makes no difference if it is a gas boat, nitro boat, boat with purple poka-dots, or a boat with red poka-dots. These boats are just different classes and we are all just model boaters.

The next nitro boater that calls & ask me if I am attending a certain race because they don't have enough of E-hydro, Sport 40, 1/8th scale or what ever you will be the first to know, be D-5 or D-7.

On a brighter note, can't replace those "TWIN NITRO RIGGERS" now, can we? Their twin gas boat would be out of the max displacemnt ........ B)
Yep they can't replace them. Also there is one little small rule in the class that says must be nitro/glow powered motors.

There seems to have always been sort of bad blood between the gas boaters and the nitro boaters for some reason. I guess it has to do w/ change and the fact that people don't like it. With the advent of reliable and strong running gas motors and the availability of parts, etc...., I can see where gas has become popular. I have always been a nitro fan because I just plain like glow engines. Plain and simple. Don't dislike gas, just like my nitro. The gas boats seem to be a little more plug and play friendly than nitro boats tend to be. I agree w/ Mark who says that we are all just boat racers. Couldn' t have been said better. Any discrimination going on out there is just plain wrong and should be stopped. It has become increasingly hard to be a nitro boater because of the availability of engines, parts, etc... If we are not going to be able to race the nitro boats, then the class will probably die altogether, which will be a sad thing.

Let's just all be boat racing enthusiasts like we are instead of being adversaries.
There seems to have always been sort of bad blood between the gas boaters and the nitro boaters for some reason. I guess it has to do w/ change and the fact that people don't like it. With the advent of reliable and strong running gas motors and the availability of parts, etc...., I can see where gas has become popular. I have always been a nitro fan because I just plain like glow engines. Plain and simple. Don't dislike gas, just like my nitro. The gas boats seem to be a little more plug and play friendly than nitro boats tend to be. I agree w/ Mark who says that we are all just boat racers. Couldn' t have been said better. Any discrimination going on out there is just plain wrong and should be stopped. It has become increasingly hard to be a nitro boater because of the availability of engines, parts, etc... If we are not going to be able to race the nitro boats, then the class will probably die altogether, which will be a sad thing.

Let's just all be boat racing enthusiasts like we are instead of being adversaries.
Well said Rich, but on some it falls on deaf ears..........know what I mean....... :(
Boy ,I heard it all no nitro hydro that a crock of sh''t.

Dave Roach
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I started this post over on JRCBD. Im glad Don seen it and posted it here.I run both Nitro and gas and wouldnt give neither up no matter what .i Just thought it was strange that at Thunder in the Vally they offerd the Nitro rigger classes last year and not this year .And this will be the first year for me at the Buckeye 880 i have heard that this was a great race to go to .I was really interested in going to these races just for the fact that i would be abel to run both Nitro rigger and Gas Rigger. I would just like to know the reason for them not offering the Nitro classes at these 2 races .

I started this post over on JRCBD. Im glad Don seen it and posted it here.I run both Nitro and gas and wouldnt give neither up no matter what .i Just thought it was strange that at Thunder in the Vally they offerd the Nitro rigger classes last year and not this year .And this will be the first year for me at the Buckeye 880 i have heard that this was a great race to go to .I was really interested in going to these races just for the fact that i would be abel to run both Nitro rigger and Gas Rigger. I would just like to know the reason for them not offering the Nitro classes at these 2 races .

Well Ken I am sorry. They can run any thing that they want to so long as it is on their race flyer. My concern is what Joe said about not allowing nitro boats to run on there pond and in there club. I think thats what he trying to say.

We have a good race in Huntsville Al. in May and in October and we will be offering all classes. This site is one of the most premier race sites in the country. So come on down and join us I feel that you will be quite surprized at the competition that we will have here. The best of the best will be there.

To all:

The Cleveland MBC Buckeye 880 is returning this year after a 1 year absence, at a new site thanks to the Performance MBC. They are offering all of the District-2 Nitro Hi Point classes Novice - B mono - D Mono E/F Mono, Scale and Sport40 a total of (6) and SLS Mono, LS27 Cat, LS27 Rigger, Stock Mono, LS27 Sport Hydro, Canned Crackers, LS27 mono a total of (7). That is a very equitable split and I am pleased with the classes they have offered. The club has new leadership and is registered with boating interests of Nitro-Gas-FE and Scale electric. I am certain that they welcome everyone.

The Thunder in the Valley race is put on by the Performance MBC which is a really active club with some very strong leadership with Rick Grenig and team. They are offering again all of the D2 Nitro Hi-Points classes plus the tunnels for (8) nitro classes, and (7) Gs classes. Its a perfect split and I appreciate all of the work that these guys have done in trying to grow the hobby in Ohio. They have switched dates this year specifically to accomodate the nitro high points classes. The Performance MBC lists Gas and Nitro interests and they are way too progressive to turn anyone away.

If a club isnt offering a class that you run its probably because they have been burned with no shows after buying trophies etc. I know that The North Coast club had very poor attendance at their nitro races last year. I can find no fault with their class decisions. What has happened in the past is no longer relevant, all of the Ohio clubs gas and nitro have done a great job in moving us together and I congratulate them all for their efforts.

PS - The Thunder in the Valley event is a terrific race and one that everyone should try and attend in september.
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