**Attention** racers attending the World Tunnel Champs, please read


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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2002
Hi Guys, the Charleston Model Boater's club members have unanimously decided that a change was needed for this years 2008 World Tunnel Champs. Please read the following information. Any questions, please post on here and we will answer you to the best of our ability.


Due to the incredible response to this race and the very high number of entries in several classes, the Charleston Model Boaters (CMB) club members have voted to make a change for the race that is most necessary. The classes in question are:

B (20) tunnel – 71 entries

Sport B (20) tunnel – 58 entries

D (40) tunnel – 47 entries

Open tunnel – 30 entries

It will be a virtual certainty, that a large number of runoffs will be required, which will lengthen the race. So in order to reduce the need for as many runoffs, if any, the CMB club will do the following for the race among those classes ONLY:

1. Run the 4 rounds of racing as normal.

2. Create an A (final) and B (consolation) main similar in nature to the scale class uses.

3. The A main will contain the top 5 boats in points and have an automatic bye to the final heat that will contain 6 boats only. The class champion will come from this final heat.

4. The B main will consist of the boats having the points for positions 6-11 (6 boats). The winner of this heat will advance to the A final heat.

5. A set of priority criteria will be established by the CMB club to break point ties and determine positions and to hopefully eliminate additional runoffs for all classes.

6. Awards will be now given for places 1-6, one each for the racers in the A main.

The primary purpose of this change is to control the number of heats needed to be run, reduce the possibility for additional runoffs and to reward those that finish in places 1-6 in these high entry classes. In addition, a true champion will be crowned through a final heat that contains the racers with the highest amount of points for the race. Honestly a best of the best race.

The remaining 4 classes, Sport D, MOD-VP, E/F and Gas will run under the traditional format of 4 heats and awards. No A & B mains.

The CMB club hopes that this will be agreeable with the majority of racers. We could not foresee the excellent response and give advance notice to all racers.
Just wanted to say that is really Great that there is 206 boats in just 4 classes :)

Good Luck to ALL , Sounds like it will be an Awesome Race !!!

I would agree Jerry, but there will always be those we cant please.

Paul, it is a good thing indeed. Wait till 2009.... :)

it will have to do . or my favorite make it 4 day event .lol

as long as i get to race it can be any format

to make it to the final I just have to score points again...LOL

And Shane a 4 day event is too much for this cool pilot, 4 days of your rum..... maybe you run better on it... i don't.

See you and thanks aJames for this update.

2 days, 5 days, 4 heats, a & b mains, it's ALL good. what ever you need to do to make it work is good by me & jr. too bad nitro & ob tunnels are dying :rolleyes: .........
You have got to be kidding me you want to change the race format a month befor the race. I mean really is it that dam hard to keep up with the scores Do I need to bring a calculater to the pond for you guys. A main B main what the hell is this turning into a sprint car race or what Do we need to add wings to our boats. as long as you all don't dilly dally around all day we can get this done. Get the retrieve boat in quick and get them on the clock maybe yaw need to think about running 2 retrieve boats. have you thaught about that. may be yaw need to set up lights and we can eat dinner saturday night and not late saturday after noon. I tell I don't know what you guys are thinking.

Ah Ha :lol: had yaw freaking out did'nt I ;)

Sounds like the right thing to do proud of you guys taking this race to the next level see you in March ;)