Any body Working?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2003
11:30 EST...........and there are 20 people logged in. LOL!!! B)
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I,m working, but I've got a T-1 line to the internet supplied by my employer. What the boss don't know won't hurt him! HA_HA_HA! :lol: Are you working? Wanna trade jobs? :D
Well, most of the time i work second shift. So that is my excuse for showing up and posting messages about toy boats at 10, 11 or noon..Lol! I can lay fiberglass in the morning and then leave until my boat "shop" loses its stink!
AndyBrown said:
11:30 EST...........and there are 20 people logged in. LOL!!! B)
Working!!!! :D I am looking at a five acre pond out of our office window. No wind really good air. THIS IS TORTURE NOT WORKING :(
This is torture, this is the picture on my desktop!! Wich I was there!!


Me too! I have net access at work, but the great megabyte wizzards at corp. have EVERYTHING bolcked out. Guess they haven't figured out a "category" to block that fits Intl Waters so at least for now I can tune in until they figure it out. Usually at home I'm too busy in the shop trying to figure out better ways to beat up on you guys at the pond and don't fool with the computer much. :rolleyes: Since I usually don't have much to say, I'm destined to be a Newby for a while. :(

hey Kevin "Bull" Bulifant,whats with you'r smile is that some kind of underwater scene,or gyno-cam?Oh its a whip...looks like an egg resisting
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