.12 Riggers


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Mark sholund (shoboat)is the one helping me out living in Tennessee the last 27 years been out of boating for awhile.building my fleet up plan a making some racing soon.some where
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Just for your info, the current IMPBA A hydro 1/3 mile oval record was set by my wife in 2008. It was one of my Nova tunnels, powered by a .12 Sirio on a home made gear drive on a K&B lower unit.
Mike walker and I were just discussing this class the other night, he has a nasty little jae with a .12 novarossi in it that I would like to see in a heat race but there is very little interest in the riggers it seems in the d14 area , not sure why because these are some pretty cool race boats , and fast !!! I have two jae 12's and would love to race them, I hope the interest in this class comes back.
Bob, do you have pics of your wife's tunnel with the geared lower?

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I still love my HH12.

It has been way too long since I have had a chance to run it.
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Bob Boonahoom and spent a year testing and tuning .12 size JAE hulls. They are a blast.

I still have mine,need to run it more.


Did you ever get a chance to test those three blades that Andy Brown sent you?

I cannot remember how they worked on your boat?

Happy Holidays,

Mark Sholund

Did you ever get a chance to test those three blades that Andy Brown sent you?

I cannot remember how they worked on your boat?

Happy Holidays,

Mark Sholund
Hey mark, yes they run good, The smaller of the two is better. I think it is a bit faster than the 1640, but makes the boat prop walk more. They are nice props if your boat like how they handle.

I've been running .12-sized boats since around 2000 and have had a blast with them. I've still got a JAE .12 and a Sport 12 hydro that haven't seen water yet. They're a bang for the buck and now people are realizing how fast they can be. My early ones were just regular RC car engines but you have to know which ones to get as some don't adapt well to boat use with the timing. I found out after dumping $350.00 for one that didn't. This was before the NR .12's came out.

Wade, I've still got a video of yours running yet. I think it's the one that we don't want to talk about.
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That was a funny video. I still show it to people and laugh about it. Go ahead and share it here if you want
years ago I tried hard to promote this class. Is a lot bigger now than when I started. For a while I even had a 12riggers.com website. It is a fun class.