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  1. S

    Looking for new paint scheme, need ideas

    Heres what I have now, but I want something that will stand out, any opinions would be helpful, Jeff Also, is there any way to attach more than one pic to a message?
  2. S

    Doing body work on a boat is a pain in the @$$

    I spent all day trying to get the hull free of imperfections, and holes. I used a 1/2 gallon of Bondo, 5 cans of primer and a ton of sand paper, and the darn thing is still looks like crap. I'm so close to sending it to a body shop. haha. Any of you guys have the same problem? Jeff
  3. S

    best .21

    I had a Pay n Pak, but mine had a K&B .67, but I no longer have it. I would propably go with a Nova Rossi .21. Did you buy the kit, or get it from someone already built?
  4. S

    Attachments kinda fixed!

    I just wsh you could attach more than one picture! :-
  5. S

    Looking for information on reverse rotation prop

    Thanks a lot, ive got one coming, but paid an ourageous price for it! twenty something bucks! > :( , couldnt find it anywhere else
  6. S

    Some pics of my unfinished scarab.

    When I got it it had a .67 in it, but I gave up on getting it running cuz it was a really ol K&B, so I found the chainsaw engine laying around so I decided to try it out. Eventually I'll opt. in a .90 or something when I have some more extra cash. I traded a friend for an old Dumas Pay 'N Pak I...
  7. S

    Some pics of my unfinished scarab.

    It's a 32cc chainsaw engine, I haven't ran it yet, I still need to order the reverse rotation prop, cuz the **** engine spins the wrong way (found that out after I got the thing running) but I still think it should go pretty well. Today I have been sanding like crazy and rebuilt the radio box...
  8. S

    Some pics of my unfinished scarab.

    Here are some pics of my 55" scarab, I still have a ways to go, but at least I got the engine all mounted nice and tight, and fabricated by own adapter to connect the flex cable to the engine. I just need paint, and I need to make a radio box........ And yes I know its ugly! but hey, it's all I...
  9. S

    Looking for information on reverse rotation prop

    I have a 55" scarab and I just finished installing a 32cc chainsaw engine, I spent a lot of time getting the motor lined up and fabricating my own motor mounts, but stupid me forgot to check the rotation of the motor. The darn thing goes in reverse, lol. So now I'm in desperate need of a reverse...