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    another epoxy question

    Cory-I have used the "heat gun in one hand and brush in the other method as I apply" method. I find that disposable foam brushes work well on large areas. Russ Mustar
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    Surface Drive Question

    That boat sure looks a awful lot like an old Steve Muck Northwind 20 or are my eyes fooling me? Russ
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    Dumas Eagle

    Hey Guys-I was curious if anyone had any thoughts on the Dumas Eagle sport hydro. I am considering one powered by electric. I have never seen one of these run and was just testing the waters. Thanks-Russ
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    Help ID this Tunnel Hull

    That was the first fiberglass tunnel that Dumas made and it was called a"Hotshot .21" I know because it was my first r/c boat with the original K&B 3.5 outboard that didn't come with a carb, only an exhaust throttle, and out of the box the engine would not shut off, you had to run it out of...
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    Outboard conversion

    Thanks guys for all the help-now if only the ponds would thaw here in mid MI!!! Thanks again-Russ
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    Outboard conversion

    I'm using the adapter that Ray at Fuller's sent me with the adapter plate, I figure he knew I'd be using them together? It's just so typical that we as customers are used as guinea pigs and have to do the 'field' testing! Thanks-Russ
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    Outboard conversion

    James-that's join the forums it's all electric Later-Russ
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    Outboard conversion

    Thanks guys, it looks to me like the adapter plate is not thick enough, it should be at least as thick as the coupler is because the coupler is close to bottoming out against the motor case so shortening the motor shaft will not help. Either the adapter plate is too thin or the coupler is to...
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    Outboard conversion

    Thanks James, will give you a call this afternoon/evening as Ihave to go to work this AM(UGH!)
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    Outboard conversion

    Maybe someone can help-I'm trying to convert a K&B lower unit to electric by using Fuller's adapter plate and flex coupler. I get the coupler on the motor(Aquacraft UL-1) and bolt the motor to the adapter plate, then when I try to bolt the plate on the lower unit, the coupler bottoms out on the...
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    Rigger Rudder Position

    In theory. it makes it so much easier for the linkage to pull for right hand turns with the rudder on the left, since you then have no flex in the linkage. Since most hydros don't like to turn left. the flexing that way could be a good thing. Someone also told me a long time ago that whatever...
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    AM Thunderbolt

    Ken-The engine is 28" from the transom and the strut is 7/8" deep. The boat weighs 16.5 lbs and the weight on the prop when the boat is resting on the rear of the sponson riding surface is 2.5 lbs. The engine is not winding up, me thinks it's too much prop. Thanks - Russ
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    AM Thunderbolt

    My first venture into gas sport hydro-AM Thunderbolt w/stock 260, 257 carb, Cooper 2" band pipe. Yesterday boat went on maiden run w/6518/3 prop and got up on plane ok, but pretty slow. Rear of boat hopped some, but strut is almost parellel to bottom of hull. Any suggestions will be greatly...
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    J.B.C. Racing Components

    Has anyone ever dealt with them? They advertise in every issue of the IMPBA newsletter, but after numerous attempts to contact them, no dice. E-mail link is no good, and phone is for someones voice mail with no reply. Any help appreciated,thanks-Russ