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Mike, I was planning on going but having this bypass took the wind out of the sails. Just making the trip alone may be to much for me right now. I'll have to see how it goes between now and then. I really wanted to see you again and meet Russ.

The other part that I'll miss is my trip across the river to Tony Packo's for hotdogs, pickles and peppers.
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I will be there with the wife and son. Going up Friday, leaving Sunday. I can bring kits to save on shipping if anyone is interested.

Next year, I will probably get a booth. My wife is actually looking foward in going to a hobby show...can't beat that.

I will be there all three days.. O tin dude.. I will be hanging around the Aquacraft booth.

Ron, Im not sure Russ can make it.. do what you can to stop by.. if its means we get a wheel chair and a M size rocket motor we will blast you there.

Take care

i will be there on friday and may stop back on saturday to look at the displayed models I will be sure to say "HI" to you guys..
Myself and a few friends wil be there for the weekend.

hope to meet some of you there and trade information on setups etc.
Mike & Others,

I will be going on Friday if anyone needs any propellers let me know please?

Heck I may even go back on Saturday if the show is good for business. I am

thinking of being a Vendor in the show next year,not enough time this year. :D

I may even bring "The New Stealth 21 Hydro" to the show if I get it done from the

paint shop soon. I have a couple of boats getting ready for the show.


Mark Sholund


Stealth Hydros
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If I do get down there I won't be out by the doors handing out goody bags this year so that frees me up.

What we've done in previous years was have people that don't know each other my face meet up at Noon or a pre-selected time at somewhere like the boat display tables down near the Aeromarine booth.

We've had a "show and tell" in the past. I brought the HH .12 with me one year and Grimmie was there with his Villain and Tom's FF .12 that was at Peter Richards (Climate Boatworks) booth.

Does anyone have the dealer information if you want to be a part of the show? I have a few

weeks off so I may get a table this year. It should be Weak Signals something? :unsure:


Mark Sholund
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Mark, you can check the web site to see if they have any info on table, .

Things are looking better for me coming down as I might have someone drive me there, I just don't feel comfortable driving that distance yet.

I see that Aeromarine isn't going to be there this year, bummer. Remy probably couldn't take another night of drinking with Mark McCray. :D
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I'm a local, and am planning on going Saturday. Where/when to meet if Remy's not gonna make it? Figure Tony Packo's is somewhere on the itinerary, never hard to talk me into going :lol:

Greg, if your dad goes, he knows where we meet up at. That's where I first met him, we talked for a long time.

I found out that I have to save money for the trip to Tony's. By the time I buy 10 hot dogs, a couple of orders of fried pickles for take-out then hit the store for 2 gallons of pickles and peppers, a T-shirt, hat and other stuff, I've walked out of there spending almost a C-note! We did dine in once there and the kids tried the MOAD's (Mother Of All Dog's) and couldn't finish them. My son always has to drag along one of his friends.

If any of you out-of-towners have never been to Tony's, it's a cool place to go. Nothing fancy as it's in an industrial area but you have to stop by for the food and great service. They treat you like you've been going there forever. The walls are covered with autographed hot dog buns sealed in plastic. It's amazing to see who all have signed them.