Just a little help..


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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2001
The conversation of sighing up on a channel came up at our race again this last week and I would like to get a better understanding of what the consensus is. I have an opinion but that’s all it is.

Two boats show up on the same channel and only 5 boats show. CD wants to run em all together. How does one solve that?

Does this possible scenario need to be labeled on the race flyer? Or is this understood?

doesnt it state somewhere that the racer is responsible for bringing extra crystals? Just a question, as I thought that I read that somewhere in the rules, or perhaps it was on a race flyer?
The conversation of sighing up on a channel came up at our race again this last week and I would like to get a better understanding of what the consensus is. I have an opinion but that’s all it is.

Two boats show up on the same channel and only 5 boats show. CD wants to run em all together. How does one solve that?

Does this possible scenario need to be labeled on the race flyer? Or is this understood?

Simple. Always require any non DSM entries to have alternate freq. listed when they enter or the entry is rejected and the racer is required to have the alternate freq. WITH THEM when they come to the race. No alternate freq. and you don't race. Might seem hardcore but if enforced the problem fixes itself and quickly. Just spell it out on the entry form so the requirement is up front and it's a done deal. ;) .
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To echo Don somewhat...

If the club says 'all 5 boats are running together', one of the conflicting drivers need to change or drop out...

If the club takes a vote of the 5 drivers and they vote to "run 3 and 2", then nobody needs to change and we move on...

No 'rule' or 'special wording' on the entry form needed IMO, if there is a rule in the rule book, I'll retract my comment.

It's all about presentation from the host club...

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The conversation of sighing up on a channel came up at our race again this last week and I would like to get a better understanding of what the consensus is. I have an opinion but that’s all it is.

Two boats show up on the same channel and only 5 boats show. CD wants to run em all together. How does one solve that?

Does this possible scenario need to be labeled on the race flyer? Or is this understood?

Simple. Always require any non DSM entries to have alternate freq. listed when they enter or the entry is rejected and the racer is required to have the alternate freq. WITH THEM when they come to the race. No alternate freq. and you don't race. Might seem hardcore but if enforced the problem fixes itself and quickly. Just spell it out on the entry form so the requirement is up front and it's a done deal. ;) .
Yep x2 -

Choice goes to first driver entered with a conflict-at least thats the way we have always done it- its only right ;)

If you enter with an alternate freq. - be prepared to use it -

DSM - the only way to fly btw -_-

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Use the FREE program...rcracingevents.com

It will tell the club and all the entrants if there is a frequency conflict and it forces the entrant to list an alternate frequency.

Just sayin'
What Don said. What would the two do if they had to have a run off?
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In the surface world, we handle this by requiring at least one alternate frequency at small races, and 2 at larger races. If a racer shows up with a single freq that conflicts and no one can help them with a second one, it's 'too bad, so sad'.. you dont race..

I only ever see it with novices anymore, and I strongly recommend our racers use 2.4ghz systems, and we only sell rtrs if they are 2.4 equipped.
OK.. thanks guys.. I think we have a conscious.. (BTY.. it matches my understanding as well)


I would however warn.. if you have room on your race flyer for spelling out how you are going to deal with conflicts it might be wise to do so.. In our case it would have been less stress on the situation.

Thanks all

with everyone going to dsm, synthesized fm is awesome :) . yeah, what don said, always been that way here in d-12 & charleston. first entered has priority, anyone else has to change channels.
What Don said. What would the two do if they had to have a run off?

Then one will have to change. The one who entered last will be normally the one who changes unless the other volunteers to do so. We always require an alternate channel if you are not running a DSM system. Not only does it come into effect for any runoffs, but more likely will happen when combining heats to save time during the race.
Danny Weimer""""""" Yes you Know Him!!!!!!!

He was always on 82 channel and could never be found at open water and had the clip.. if you did find him he was either in the woods or bathroom and other places you would not like to know.... LOL

I got tired of it and bought the SYN Radio and a 2.4 and never looked back.
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I was talking to some racers a month ago and was told that some use the same frequency in a class to keep from racing each other because they always race each other at a club race. As I completely understand this, I think it's bogus. On rcracingevents you have to choose an alternate frequency to complete registration, but not sure if the primary frequency is already chosen by someone else if it will let you choose it again. Mike Whitney might be able to answer that? If you can choose the same primary freq. in a class by multiple drivers then that should be corrected and problem fixed.

but if not, then the first person to register should have priority on that freq.
I was talking to some racers a month ago and was told that some use the same frequency in a class to keep from racing each other because they always race each other at a club race. As I completely understand this, I think it's bogus. On rcracingevents you have to choose an alternate frequency to complete registration, but not sure if the primary frequency is already chosen by someone else if it will let you choose it again. Mike Whitney might be able to answer that? If you can choose the same primary freq. in a class by multiple drivers then that should be corrected and problem fixed.

but if not, then the first person to register should have priority on that freq.
The website will allow for racers to use the same frequency in the same class when registering. However, when it comes time to set up the race and heats, you may not have enough entries to split heats. Then the change will be necessary. Each race entry sends an e mail to the race registrar when and what was entered with a time stamp. So we know who entered first and they get to keep it and racer #2 must change. That is why it behooves each racer to enter as soon a possible.
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