American Professional Racing association


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Joe Warren

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2003
Will a Current IMPBA or NAMBA Boat member effect his amature status racing in this PAYS CASH (MO Money) Series? Can you race both? Are the rules being changed currently for either IMPBA or NAMBA? or will it effect them? jw
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Last I had heard Joe, it would not. But I did see that there was a conflict in the rules this would be nice to really get it ironed out and have a 100% for sure on it.
Earlier in the year , I was told Al said NAMBA members would fine and not loose their amature status. I believe IMPBA was where there was still an issue. If you race for cash you are considered a pro . Maybe Al can chime ??
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Well I see the MO MONEY Series is Coming to Orlando Fl. Now I know this is NAMBA Country. But I would bet the Series Expects to see Known & Experienced Racers Not a Bunch of UNknowns that Never plan to run a NAMBA & IMPBA race again after leaving Orlando. Maybe Zuber or one of the Board members can ring in on this one for IMPBA members?????
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would like to know if there was ever a outcome on ballot 07-006 as well. Ballots #07-003 and #07-004 were given the answers on the outcome, but not this one?
This issue was well covered earlier in the year. No, it will not affect your status in the IMPBA. IMPBA or NAMBA sanctioned races can not pay out cash instead of trophies.

The older thread got to be a big pissing contest, I'd hate to see this one get nasty.
To all IMPBA members- READ the current issue of the Roostertail on line now- & VOTE!! I wrote a proposal (#07-006) to take care of this problem & it is up for a membership vote NOW!! Please take a few moments to vote on this and also the scale rules revisions (#07-005) that we've worked hard on and that have now completed the one year trials period. We need to get both of these passed & move forward, the voting deadline is January 31st, 2008 for #07-006 & February 29th, 2008 for #07-005 but please just take care of both in one shot to make it easier. B)
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This issue was well covered earlier in the year. No, it will not affect your status in the IMPBA.
actually... if the proposal does NOT pass... it COULD effect your status in the IMPBA. The way the rule is written now...

B. An amateur competitor shall be defined as one who engages in the operation of model powerboats for pleasure and not for profit.

C. No member shall receive cash or monetary award as a prize or compensation for competing with

a model powerboat or operate a model boat for hire.

reading this... there is nothing that says only within IMPBA are you not allowed to recieve cash for winning. So if you are an IMPBA member, and you race in the APRCA and win, the IMPBA could revoke your membership.

The way the proposal is written... would of course change that to ONLY within IMPBA races.

B. An amateur competitor shall be defined as one who engages in the operation of model powerboats for pleasure and not for profit in IMPBA events.

C. No member shall receive cash or monetary award as a prize or compensation for competing with

a model powerboat or operate a model boat for hire in any IMPBA sanctioned events. Events

outside the IMPBA do not apply.
Yes That is correct. IMPBA rules apply only to IMPBA races. The board felt that we could not police, nor should we, activities that racers participate in outside IMPBA. SO, no cash can be exchanged at IMPBA races, currently. And with this rule change, you can race outside IMPBA for whatever you want, if this passes. The board supports this change.

Yes That is correct. IMPBA rules apply only to IMPBA races. The board felt that we could not police, nor should we, activities that racers participate in outside IMPBA. SO, no cash can be exchanged at IMPBA races, currently. And with this rule change, you can race outside IMPBA for whatever you want, if this passes. The board supports this change.
Is there more information on this professional association some where? What races are these? Where are they held?
Yes That is correct. IMPBA rules apply only to IMPBA races. The board felt that we could not police, nor should we, activities that racers participate in outside IMPBA. SO, no cash can be exchanged at IMPBA races, currently. And with this rule change, you can race outside IMPBA for whatever you want, if this passes. The board supports this change.
Is there more information on this professional association some where? What races are these? Where are they held?

Here ya go Roger-
ANYBODY can sign up to race, it's basically the same people racing in amateur now,,,PRO RACERS have to come from somewhere. NO you will not get kicked out of IMPBA or NAMBA for racing PRO, NAMBA has no rule against it, and IMPBA is trying to change theres but will not kick you out for racing there now,,,I WENT TO THE RACE IN NASHVILLE, TN. AND WON FIRST PLACE IN MY CLASS, I got paid and grinned all the way to the bank,,,I met Bill Z when he was there and had a nice talk with him,,nice guy,,and I am still a member with all three organizations!!

American Professional r\c Racing Association
Hey Adam. Congrats on your win. For the sake of discussion - what class did you win and how much was the prize money?

WELL to be honest,, the APr\cRA is a fairly new org. and because of all the scare circulated on the various forums about getting kicked out of the amateur org's,, the only people that weren't to scared to show up were the RTR MOD racers and the fast electric racers, I took 1st place in rtr mod, and went home with $1,000.00 and two Top Speed 2 kits that i won in the raffle, I was gonna take a couple of my gas boats, but i talked to Fred before i left FL. and the only class signing up were rtr and electric, SO i left the big boats at home. IF things work out and I can make the next race I WILL BRING MORE. I HOPE TO SEE MANY MORE PEOPLE AND RACES IN THE FUTURE!!
How many boats in your class and what was the entry fee?

How many boats in other classes? Total boats?

Marty Davis
they offer basically the same classes as amateur org's offer now, if they get 3 or more boats in the same class entered then they run that class, the main difference between amateur and pro is you get paid if you win in pro, and you get nice trophy's, not just a wood plaque . membership fee is $100 a year, and just like amateur org's most of that is for insurance, they have much better insurance than amateur org's. Race entry is $35.00 for each class. I put the link to there sight a couple posts back, go check it out.