probably seen before ..but


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if its real... i bet he needed new jocks
It's real. That was during racing in Tri Cities WA. in 1980 (my guess). If you look close, the wing is bent. Apparently the heat from the turbine exhaust softened the resin in the wing and it failed. John Walters, the Pay n' Pak driver got banged up a bit but came back to continue driving.
If you look close, the wing is bent. Apparently the heat from the turbine exhaust softened the resin in the wing and it failed.
Actually that was about the time frame when everyone was experimenting with that "cathedral" wing design. ;)
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that is sick man reminds me of that famous photo of circus and another boat up in the air one faces back and one faces forward.
It's REAL! saw it happen with my own eyes. Highest blow off I ever saw boat was 75 to 100 feet in the air! SCARY! Greg
that is sick man reminds me of that famous photo of circus and another boat up in the air one faces back and one faces forward.

There's an even better one of the current Elam that looks like it's on final approach to the local airport. :eek:
I found it! Check this out- "U-16 you are cleared for final approach on runway 3" :p
No wonder JW got fired after that race. I've got video of that flip and it happened sooooo fast it was amazing.