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It's quiet from the guys from Downunder. I remember when I was in Melbourne a guy saying:

"We have four seasons in ONE DAY in Melbourne."

It can be cold in Florida too, what about lower 40's in april in 1997 around the Orlando area? I was there so I know, with just shorts and a T-shirt.....

And sometimes its on the news about freezing wx in Florida, especially fruit trees get hurt....


You are right, if Florida was the perfect place to live we would all be living their. :D


I'm not sure about the two months that you are talking about,but I boat for 9 months out of the year

up here in Traverse City,Michigan. If you ever came up here in the summertime you would find it

hard to beat anywhere on earth. There is not a much nicer city to live and work in. IMHO!!!

Enjoy The Sun,

Mark Sholund
Yup.......Still winter -6 outside -2 in shop.My C.M.B still oiled in bag in pieces, boat still in pieces have no heat in shop cause heater broke :angry: :angry: Hey whats going on with our district 2 Scale director Joe in florida Y??????????? Is he coming back????????????????????Its bad enough Bert left not Joe..... :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
That's right Moron and YES Mark I also boat year round(every week) ,warm temps and no hurricanes at living in down south is a privilege for us and agree that Florida would be my place in US.

See ya

Huuuummmm Aruba is the place just got back// Been there a ton of times Warm Sunny some wind and the Martinis :D :D Could be the place i am going to B) B)
I just wish it would make up its mind what its gunna do :blink:

Last Friday it was 72 degrees then with in two hours the bottom fell out and was in tha twenty's with ice and snow all weekend, Now its back up to 45 and supposed to be 62 tomorrow....... Yaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Need to rename tha state YoYo Mo. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gener B)
Come to San Diego for our YEAR ROUND club races! Always nice here. We're driving and testing all winter...

"I left the frozen tundra during the blizzard of 1979, snow is not beautiful! I took Georges advice and moved."

Ron, I remember that nice little snowstorm. It rolled in on a Wednesday night and I was a CB channel 9 monitor back then on the midnight to 3 AM shift looking out the window watching my Firebird being buried in snow. The guy across the street had nothing but car antennas sticking up out of the snow in his low lying driveway.

Still, we can't complain too much this year as we haven't been hit like in the past. Last year we got slapped a few times pretty hard resulting in a lot of flooding once it started thawing.
"I left the frozen tundra during the blizzard of 1979, snow is not beautiful! I took Georges advice and moved."

Ron, I remember that nice little snowstorm. It rolled in on a Wednesday night and I was a CB channel 9 monitor back then on the midnight to 3 AM shift looking out the window watching my Firebird being buried in snow. The guy across the street had nothing but car antennas sticking up out of the snow in his low lying driveway.

Still, we can't complain too much this year as we haven't been hit like in the past. Last year we got slapped a few times pretty hard resulting in a lot of flooding once it started thawing.

Glad to hear it hasn't been like that probably since 79 however I have no desire to see snow except on tv watching the Winter Olympics from Sunny Florida. LOL I think its funny that there are actually two people from Florida competeing in the Winter Games....Go Figure!!!

Stay warm Ron!
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Well I think this week is going to be the last of it. I think spring is going to crack open after this week.

I'm planning on getting some boats wet next weekend...
It'd better do something soon....just got my blizzard X done today and was like,'s 34 degrees out. Going to take this micro machine to work tomorrow and see how much it weighs ready to run. Pics in gallery :p Only thing I gotta do is figure out how to secure the pipe down :blink:
Well was in the mid 60's today.Going to be in the upper 70's for the next three or four days.Which would be great if I had the boats ready which I don't :angry: OH Well they will be at some point.

Whew!! still cold here! 20 degrees with a 15mph wind and 8 1/2 inches of ice on stoney creek lake today for the old anual Ice fishing derby for the kids......stood there thinkin boats...

...brain froze...

kids had a blast!!

Man I love enough!!

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Was just thinking!!! I moved from upstate New York to Michigan 20 yrs ago.... What the hell was I thinking

it snowed there and it snows here.. I don't even like the stuff go figure summers coming
Do you have water? or Ice?

Water!!! Glad I moved from WI.. Winter was way too long there though we have had some pretty cold weather out here too!

But, got to run a boat yesterday so all is well in the world.. :D
