who is going to be at dist. 8 race tomarrow?


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Sounds like they are down a few boats.. Wanted to run A hydro.. Come on out guys!!

i will be up there but no racing for me. i dont have a single boat that runs :( :( i guess i will see you there i will be driving a 03 dodge 2500 with a cummins, silver ;)
i have a 3.5 tunnel and it is torn apart because my radio box likes to turn into a waterbox and i havent had time to fix it. my dads boat is a pay-n-pak and i wreaked it into a log last race and havent gotten around to fixing it.
ah waht a interesting day we finished up at about 2:30. soon after it began to rain and rain and well you get the picture. i guess that is what we get for living in the rain state ;)
Hey Joel,

Don't know if you made it out Sunday but the racing was great. A little rain showed up but nothing to stop us from racing..

yeah i was there saturday and to clean up on sunday. i heard you have one hell of a rigger ;)