What was your first RC outboard?


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2002
This was one of those boats I should never have gotten rid of. Technically my second design, but a HUGE improvement on the first. (both used the same Kyosho outboard unit). I designed this boat either late 90's or maybe 2001 (I was 16 or 17) at the latest on graph paper then re-drew it onto balsa wood and started cutting and glueing. The cowl was shaped from blue foam then glassed up...still looks cool and I would use it now if I still had it

Interestingly enough, in my last week of my last year of high school I still had no real idea of what I wanted to do when i was finished. They had a metal lathe in the technology center (mainly wood working equiment in there). I started to spin up a new drive shaft for the kyosho lower unit, then I was going to solder the flex into the end (no square drive broaching tools). I liked it so much that i decided to become a fitter and machinist...11 or so years later and I am still here (although an 'office boy') as an 'Estimator' amongst lots of others things

Never did finish that drive shaft either!





First O/B and boat was a prather lap cat2 had alot of fun with it till i found out about racing then picked up a Newby Craft
Dumas vee with a k&b 3.5 was my first, it had tupperware container for radio box,
Dumas Hot Shot 45. I traded a trainer airplane for it when I was a teenager in the early 90s. Loved running this boat. I never raced it, but aside form the Horrid paint scheme, I really had a blast with it.

I still have it, and need to get rid of it to be honest.


Edit: Oh yeah, and after I acquired this boat and ran it a few times, my long time pit-buddy for my airplanes became interested. He bought the 3.5 Hot Shot, and built it. It was a beautiful boat, as he was an awesome craftsman, even as a teen. He finally got all of the gear together to run it and that was about it. He was more into building and sanding, and spackling, and sanding..and sanding..and...well, you all know.

Once he had spent all that time and money into it, he ran it once. It scared the living hades out of him and he sold it. It was a shame, too. He still loved being around it, he just didn't want to run his pride and joy at speed. I can kind of understand that.
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My first 'real build' was a Villain S1 from Power Surge Racing (Grimracer)

This boat evolved to a different cowl then converted the FE
Darn guess im old mine was a flat nosed hotshot,exhaust throttle jg prop. A turd by todays standards but it got me into the sport
My first boat was a Dumas hot shot IV. I was 14 and it was '91. I remember being a bit overwhelmed when I opened the box of sticks....I expected it to be a bit more finished than it was. That being said, I Built it in my bedroom with the limited tools resources I had. Let's just say my carpet was shot, the radio box was far from waterproof and the paint job....marginal. The first time I got it up on plane I was hooked. If anybody has an unbuilt hotshot 4 kit around let me know, maybe jerry Dunlap??i know at one point I had a pic.....I will have to dig a bit.
My first outboard was a Prather lap cat blue metal flake with silver metal flake flame work , with k& b 67 modded with canister muffler to keep the noise down, no pics personally ,long ago. Today a top speed 2 with an os 3.5 on the back , play boat,
Geees make me think here........

First was a Hotshot Sprint kit, Then saw Joe M's cut down version,

Used the parts from the kit as templates for a scratch build

using better wood. Powered by a K&B 8906,


[SIZE=21.14285659790039px]Isn't[/SIZE][SIZE=16pt] that the boat you ran up the sewer pipe and we found it 2 blocks away when we lifted the manhole cover?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16pt]Mine was a Dumas Flat Nose Hotshot also, built in 1978. I still got it. I will dig it out of the basement and take some pics of it, along with its scratch built big brother. [/SIZE]
My first outboard was a Dumas Hotshot with a K&B 3.5 with my own design servo operated power trim. No tuned pipe and no outboard tunnel classes. Had to run in 20 hydro class.
Mine was Greg Mortlocks old villain with an early model K&B hanging off the back.
My first tunnel and first race was with " Aeromarine 7.5 Tunnel " I still have it and it run great back then. Just didn't turn like the new stuff. I might have to get it out and play with it again. Depends on how fast it goes is how much weight you need in the front end. Mikey probably remembers the first race. Three of us racing My dad, brother and myself with all the same kind of boat.