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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2007
Just wondering how I got lumped into this bash fest as I have never done anything against the rules of this forum or any other for that matter. I do Check threads for info on the sport not to check people. As a matter of fact it's just this type of thing that keeps me from posting and sharing. You can search me out on rcu, jim's boat dock, and you will see my reputation. I made one post in here that showed I had a a good dealing with Twisted Liquid and now I get this. I don't feal that I should should be bashed in this manner just because I am a mod at the zone. You can see my ip address I live in VT. not kansas, not florida, VERMONT!

This post is in responce the the go engine thread that has been locked. I feal an appollogy is in order.
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Just wondering how I got lumped into this bash fest as I have never done anything against the rules of this forum or any other for that matter. I do Check threads for info on the sport not to check people. As a matter of fact it's just this type of thing that keeps me from posting and sharing. You can search me out on rcu, jim's boat dock, and you will see my reputation. I made one post in here that showed I had a a good dealing with Twisted Liquid and now I get this. I don't feal that I should should be bashed in this manner just because I am a mod at the zone. You can see my ip address I live in VT. not kansas, not florida, VERMONT!
This post is in responce the the go engine thread that has been locked. I feal an appollogy is in order.
freeze it just that a bunch of morons from TLR and RTR zone have showed up at this site and started a bunch of BS If you had good dealings then it looks like you are a lucky one I hope this doesnt put off this hobby stick around and you will pick up alot

Mr. Freeze, do you have a real name you'd like to share? I shut that thread down before it turned into another full on flame fest. I'm betting that since the original poster went by "Iceman" that the replying person used "Mr. Freeze" in a figurative way, not a direct call out but only he can answer that. This kind of stuff is exactly why I feel that if people do not use their real name as the i.d. then it should appear somewhere in the member signature line. I also believe that there should be a minimal level of the bio filled out for every member. Perhaps it's high time to re-visit this and make it a requirement.
Mr. Freeze, do you have a real name you'd like to share? I shut that thread down before it turned into another full on flame fest. I'm betting that since the original poster went by "Iceman" that the replying person used "Mr. Freeze" in a figurative way, not a direct call out but only he can answer that. This kind of stuff is exactly why I feel that if people do not use their real name as the i.d. then it should appear somewhere in the member signature line. I also believe that there should be a minimal level of the bio filled out for every member. Perhaps it's high time to re-visit this and make it a requirement.

That is a super idea!. It is good to know who is saying what, or who you are talking to:)

Norm Doerr
Looks to me like a case of GUILT thru Association,I'm sure your familiar from the site you MOD. with the monikers of those posting troublesome replies,here,there,and therabouts, and it makes one wonder,that are these individuals chastised on YOUR site,or even banned,or just patted on the back by the "good 'ol boy himself" for throwin a wrench in da woiks....???? sure i dont know you,or even chatted with you,I'm sure your a heeluva guy,till you prove yourself wrong,but I for one have been unduly treated for making a reply to a racist remark left by one of YOUR peers,OR Mentors,and banned from YOUR zone...LOL...cuz i insulted a SENIOR MEMBER and CONTRIBUTER to the site,(I guess he used an ali-ass) So if this is what YOUR site PROMOTES, then my OPINION stands.... :ph34r: R.C. Lazo Mopartybob
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Mr. Freeze, do you have a real name you'd like to share? I shut that thread down before it turned into another full on flame fest. I'm betting that since the original poster went by "Iceman" that the replying person used "Mr. Freeze" in a figurative way, not a direct call out but only he can answer that. This kind of stuff is exactly why I feel that if people do not use their real name as the i.d. then it should appear somewhere in the member signature line. I also believe that there should be a minimal level of the bio filled out for every member. Perhaps it's high time to re-visit this and make it a requirement.
Hey Don my name is Stan walker I believe my profile is filled out and I know that travis directed that to me because I am a mod on the rtrzone.
Mr. Freeze, do you have a real name you'd like to share? I shut that thread down before it turned into another full on flame fest. I'm betting that since the original poster went by "Iceman" that the replying person used "Mr. Freeze" in a figurative way, not a direct call out but only he can answer that. This kind of stuff is exactly why I feel that if people do not use their real name as the i.d. then it should appear somewhere in the member signature line. I also believe that there should be a minimal level of the bio filled out for every member. Perhaps it's high time to re-visit this and make it a requirement.


I agree with you on the need for full discloser.

I suggest that everyone does as Don says above, use you full name and location somewhere in all your posts. If they are unwilling to do so, give that person zero credibility and refuse to do any type of business with them.

Marty Shallenberger

Seattle, WA
Looks to me like a case of GUILT thru Association,I'm sure your familiar from the site you MOD. with the monikers of those posting troublesome replies,here,there,and therabouts, and it makes one wonder,that are these individuals chastised on YOUR site,or even banned,or just patted on the back by the "good 'ol boy himself" for throwin a wrench in da woiks....???? sure i dont know you,or even chatted with you,I'm sure your a heeluva guy,till you prove yourself wrong,but I for one have been unduly treated for making a reply to a racist remark left by one of YOUR peers,OR Mentors,and banned from YOUR zone...LOL...cuz i insulted a SENIOR MEMBER and CONTRIBUTER to the site,(I guess he used an ali-ass) So if this is what YOUR site PROMOTES, then my OPINION stands.... :ph34r: R.C. Lazo Mopartybob
I refuse to get into the he said she said stuff, The way I see it this forum, rtrzone, and others is for one thing and one thing only the promotion of the hobby by sharing info and helping others not bashing and attacking. This is all I have to say about this. :D
Looks to me like a case of GUILT thru Association,I'm sure your familiar from the site you MOD. with the monikers of those posting troublesome replies,here,there,and therabouts, and it makes one wonder,that are these individuals chastised on YOUR site,or even banned,or just patted on the back by the "good 'ol boy himself" for throwin a wrench in da woiks....???? sure i dont know you,or even chatted with you,I'm sure your a heeluva guy,till you prove yourself wrong,but I for one have been unduly treated for making a reply to a racist remark left by one of YOUR peers,OR Mentors,and banned from YOUR zone...LOL...cuz i insulted a SENIOR MEMBER and CONTRIBUTER to the site,(I guess he used an ali-ass) So if this is what YOUR site PROMOTES, then my OPINION stands.... :ph34r: R.C. Lazo Mopartybob
I refuse to get into the he said she said stuff, The way I see it this forum, rtrzone, and others is for one thing and one thing only the promotion of the hobby by sharing info and helping others not bashing and attacking. This is all I have to say about this. :D
from what I've seen and witnessed, minions from the zone seem to be ordered about to wreak this havoc intentionally or to implant subliminal marketing efforts.... or is it just a select few........or is it just one using several ali-asses...?either way,they are tracked back to "the zone"..... as far as he said,she said, it came from MOD#1 of the who's that pray tell??? enuff said by me.... except... take off your blinders,and ask yourself,why is this happening???
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I think Tom knows how we all feel about this subject i feel James is feeding off this so let it die and hopefully he will go away. Robert
Just wondering how I got lumped into this bash fest as I have never done anything against the rules of this forum or any other for that matter. I do Check threads for info on the sport not to check people. As a matter of fact it's just this type of thing that keeps me from posting and sharing. You can search me out on rcu, jim's boat dock, and you will see my reputation. I made one post in here that showed I had a a good dealing with Twisted Liquid and now I get this. I don't feal that I should should be bashed in this manner just because I am a mod at the zone. You can see my ip address I live in VT. not kansas, not florida, VERMONT!
This post is in responce the the go engine thread that has been locked. I feal an appollogy is in order.

Yes I did feel as though you were involved in some manner mainly becuase of the username and the fact that you are a MOD on RTRZone. I PM'ed you with a response to your PM. I hope you are willing to accept my apology. I take full responsibiltiy for my actions. As I stated in the PM I believe we have had good dealings in the past. At the time of my reply I had just finished talking to someone who had a bad experience with TLR so maybe I was a little heated. And I do apologize. It just seemed odd as this Iceman18 made 4 posts and has been registered here for a week and had this long great story to tell. All too typical of james. And now after reading this post where's Iceman18 to speak for himself??? I still feel as though that post was coersed by james, if you had nothing to so with it please accept my apology. You seem to be an asset to the model boating community I hope you continue your good works.

Looks to me like a case of GUILT thru Association,I'm sure your familiar from the site you MOD. with the monikers of those posting troublesome replies,here,there,and therabouts, and it makes one wonder,that are these individuals chastised on YOUR site,or even banned,or just patted on the back by the "good 'ol boy himself" for throwin a wrench in da woiks....???? sure i dont know you,or even chatted with you,I'm sure your a heeluva guy,till you prove yourself wrong,but I for one have been unduly treated for making a reply to a racist remark left by one of YOUR peers,OR Mentors,and banned from YOUR zone...LOL...cuz i insulted a SENIOR MEMBER and CONTRIBUTER to the site,(I guess he used an ali-ass) So if this is what YOUR site PROMOTES, then my OPINION stands.... :ph34r: R.C. Lazo Mopartybob
I refuse to get into the he said she said stuff, The way I see it this forum, rtrzone, and others is for one thing and one thing only the promotion of the hobby by sharing info and helping others not bashing and attacking. This is all I have to say about this. :D
Yes, they should be for the promotion of the hobby. The thing that went terribly wrong is that at least one individual chose to use the forums to promote his business in his own "twisted" manner. When he was asked to stop abusing other people's forums, rather than following the rules that everyone else understands and accepts, he kept up the abuse until he got booted off. This happened over and over. RTRZONE is a shining example of his inability to get along with people. Rather than finding a way to work with people on many established forums, he went off and created his own little happy place where he could ensure nothing bad could be said about him, his products, or the way he does business. Not only that, but he also set it up as his own private little club so he can ensure that anyone who might speak ill of him or his business, even at other sites, would be excluded.

Is that the type of promotion you think will help the hobby grow? Should we only be able to read glowing reviews of products or vendors, even when they may have issues, or should people be able to post honestly without the threat of being booted off a site for sharing our opinions? Should people be able to read a review of a product and know it came from someone impartial, rather than someone who was incented to say good things in return for free products? Should people be locked out of a site because they dared to question or challenge the words or actions of an individual? Should a site be setup with a suggestion that if people find information somewhere else they should copy it to the private site rather than linking to it (can you say encouraging copyright infringements)?

If one truly wants to promote the hobby, they will find ways to share ideas, rather than only making them available to a private club, to work with others, rather than against them, and to support the efforts of others, rather than sitting on the sidelines complaining about what others are, or are not, doing.
Well,I just got home from work and helping celebrate my Grandfather's 90th Birthday.

I was just intending to share my Ebaying experience, and that with GEM. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The facts are that I contacted the overseas mfg company because I was looking for replacement parts and schematics(that normally come with an Engine, they put me in contact with GEM. I have been using the engines for a total of a month (between the two) I guess sharing my positive experience is a bad thing to promote a new options in this hobby. I would have shared stuff sooner but for whatever reason a month ago my registration never went through, it just went through 6/7/08.

Nothing more to say.

Sean Cameron

32yrs old

Hobbyist for 20 years

St. Cloud, MN
Well,I just got home from work and helping celebrate my Grandfather's 90th Birthday.I was just intending to share my Ebaying experience, and that with GEM. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The facts are that I contacted the overseas mfg company because I was looking for replacement parts and schematics(that normally come with an Engine, they put me in contact with GEM. I have been using the engines for a total of a month (between the two) I guess sharing my positive experience is a bad thing to promote a new options in this hobby. I would have shared stuff sooner but for whatever reason a month ago my registration never went through, it just went through 6/7/08.

Nothing more to say.

Sean Cameron

32yrs old

Hobbyist for 20 years

St. Cloud, MN

Thanks for the post. I was wrong and I apologize. I never intended to scare anyone away from this site or this hobby. I have just heard it too many times. But the good thing about this forum is everyone is entitled to thier own opinion and there's no consequence for sharing your opinion. I'm sure the engines are great and I'm glad you had a good experience. Maybe someone's turned over a new leaf, I really hope so. Happy b-day to your g-father. Mine never made it that far. My grandmother is now 94 and has a ways to go. Again, I apologize and please don't hesitate to share your opinion. That's what this forum is here for. Thank you for proving me wrong. It's a relief to me. Next time I'll think twice before I pass judgement.


Any subject about you-know-who gets all of us a little antsy. There have been people who got what they ordered and have had good service from him. Some of those people are now afraid to speak up in the forums with snipers waiting.

Chuck and I both went through is little version of Hell as we're both now former Mod's at RCU. What we can say is that he used the site to promote himself as much as he could while others are paying the advertising bills to keep the site going. I know that I must be towards the top of his "list" but site rules are rules and they're there for a reason. Abuse them on any forum site and you're gone.

Tom doesn't have a lot of rules here but members should know how to behave themselves.
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