Open Registration


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This is something I have not done in a LONG time. I set the forum to open registration. Anyone can join as long as they use their real name and validate their email address. Normally I have to manually approve every registration but for a few days I will remove that requirement.

Could someone please post on Facebook for me: would like to welcome gas boaters to our forum. We recognize you have not had a forum to call home for a long while now. Intlwaters welcomes boaters from all propulsion methods. We have created a new dedicated Gas Boats forum and hope you will join us. The registration process will be opened for a few days to make joining easy. Please sign up using your real first and last name and validate your email address. That is all that is required to join. Come Join our fun!


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so far the open registration has went well. I will keep it like this until it becomes an issue.

good to hear. I've run mostly nitro but got into gas with Thunderboat. I've had a few posts on Jim's but they've had no end of trouble. Thank you for adding the gas forum, maybe if things work out we can work other gas classes into the board.
I'm happy to see Y'all stepped up to fill the void of the Boat Dock but don't see a place to register???Directions please??


I haven't had a problem posting but still wondering if there is a separate registration for the "Gas Forum" or if just being registered on IW is adequate???

