Need a Shaman cowl


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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2009
I need a cowl for a Shaman. I don't care who made it. I just need one. New or used

At least someone responded.

I guess no one makes them. You spend money on these boats because they are the baddest things out there. Then poof there gone. Well so n so has the molds, so n so makes them, and if you beg hard enough or find just the right person you might be able to get one. God forbid you get fed up with it, and make your own. Should of sold it and my two Lynx when Ron quit building them and went Vision. Just frustrated, what cha gonna do.
man !!! i wish i had the funds to buy the molds when they were available. now unfortunetly no one has the inclenation to do any building. i guess randy premo will never get any done ( shaman, lynx, warhead ) which is a real shame. these boats are truly some of the best. Dan hutchinson
Talk to mic he make one that a little bigger for ef and has down force add to front.
Shane I have we are working on it now.

Yeah Dan, it's to bad that deal didn't work out. I know its a hard market. Its not like you are gonna make a living at building rc tunnel hull boats. I appriciate you guys out there that do build and design them for the rest of us to have good race boats to crash and tear up. :D
wish i could help find one.. or build one for ya... since im the one who finished off your cowl.... whoops....
After reading the last posts on here it sounded like weren't building boats? Figured I would put a thread out there and get a response! Last I heard Mitch, then Premo were gonna build them. I know those deals didn't pan out for what ever reasons. It would be different if I knew you or had met you before. I wouldn't hesitate to contact you.
Thanks Jimmy for contacting me.

We have looked for builders but this is not an easy task. At this time it's just me building. I can only do so much myself and the only reason I am not completely swamped now is because it is the off season but by spring, the orders will be flooding in again. Alan and I have decided to try one more time and ask anyone who is setup, serious and able to build a quality model, write me. Maybe before spring, we can have a new builder setup. This is for the Lynx and Shaman only.

If you are interested; contact me at [email protected]

I would like you to include your boat building experence on your reply.


-Carl Van Houten
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Thanks Jimmy for contacting me.

We have looked for builders but this is not an easy task. At this time it's just me building. I can only do so much myself and the only reason I am not completely swamped now is because it is the off season but by spring, the orders will be flooding in again. Alan and I have decided to try one more time and ask anyone who is setup, serious and able to build a quality model, write me. Maybe before spring, we can have a new builder setup. This is for the Lynx and Shaman only.

If you are interested; contact me at [email protected]


-Carl Van Houten
Sure hope you find a builder,these are awesome tunnels. If I knew anything about Vinyl Ester I might attempt it......
@Carl... I've given you the contact info for the best builder in the country when it comes to composite stuff... All you need to do is contact him and these would be getting built. Epoxy Glass, Carbon layup... etc... Would probably sell a ton because they would end up lighter and stronger than they currently are.

Hell... it would piss me off, because I'd even have to buy another one... but I GLADLY would, knowing the build quality.

Please... just contact Brian and let's get these going again! :)