Lane Rules !!!


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I head to the inside as the fast boats catch me,, 1/4 lap back, hold your lane !! is all I hear :) If I do that I'm in the way ..... all that and I was running second ? :lol:

Let me quit !! my buddy will give me hell next time he sees me !!! You V.A. boys know him :p

John,, I'm just having FUN !!!! Picking on you my exspense !!! :ph34r:

He is reading it but not said a word yet......I did say YET !!!!!
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With that severe oversteering your boat was doing, you couldn't keep a straight lane even if you were on a bowling alley with the kiddie bumpers installed. About every 3 seconds your boat was in a different lane. In all fairness you were not the only one. But one heat there were 3 of you out there at the same time. What a ride!

You have no idea what you will be catching now. Plan on your boat running on natural gas!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :ph34r: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I started bottom feeding and was doing fair till that dang bouy jumped out in front of me .....

I did have the best crash of the weekend ..... A HARD HIT !!!!
waterbug said:
:lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :ph34r:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:   :lol:


I started bottom feeding and was doing fair till that dang bouy jumped out in front of me .....

I did have the best crash of the weekend ..... A HARD HIT  !!!!


You gave me an open invitation. You had the hard luck award for sure. Next time will be better. I have seen some racers, doing this for 10+ years, doing the very same thing. I cringe when Ryan or I have to race with them. Little improvement and all of us have seen them.
Preston is RIGHT about the 20ft Roostertail. It is a weapon!! Fade left when some one is coming up to pass you and they never make it... :p :p Did he just run up

my roostertail???

HOLD YOUR LANE... is the trend of thougth. But if you are outside and want the shortest way around the cousre because you will burn off the fuel and not finish and the parking lot is filling up fast??? You have a right to it, if it is not occupied. You are still in the race. Experience is the best teacher for this one. ;) ;)


i know what i did was also wrong,but i stayed to the outside lanes because my boat is shorter than most.i do have the speed to run up front with the other guys,but my hotshot 21 cannot handle rough water conditions on that short of a course i was running at half thottle for the rest of the races.i wanted points and to finish the race with doing that the race i got a dnf on the first race i tried to tuck the motor more to run flater but that didnt i went back to the setting i had before then i got a 3rd, 2nd,3rd,and 4th.i did finish the rest of my heats. over all out of ten boats in the class i finished 5th over all not a bad finish for a person first race ever!!!

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hi allen and butch it is up to the faster boats to do the passing NOT up to you to get out of the way. also it is up to the driver to pick witch lane to run in not the cd's. a couple of races ago we had a driver that would ride the embankment to burn time than at the start of the race he went from lane 20 to lane one cutting off every one. the secand time he done it he took out another boat. this is wrong and the driver should have been disculified for the weekend. when i get the time i will look at the rules i think there is something about this on the start of the race.

see all soon jimmy
jydracing said:
hi allen and butch it is up to the faster boats to do the passing NOT up to you to get out of the way. also it is up to the driver to pick witch lane to run in not the cd's. a couple of races ago we had a driver that would ride the embankment to burn time than at the start of the race he went from lane 20 to lane one cutting off every one. the secand time he done it he took out another boat. this is wrong and the driver should have been disculified for the weekend. when i get the time i will look at the rules i think there is something about this on the start of the race.
see all soon jimmy


Jimmy is absolutely correct. Without looking it basically says no lane changing after bouy 6 to the start line.

If you decide to change lanes 1/4 lap before the faster boat then most likely you just got in the way because that is when the faster boat was making his game plan. You may have allowed yourself time but you did not plan on the forsight of the faster boat.
Thanks Jimmy and Preston,

I just needed to now for sure where I should be and what I should do...... I will be better and faster now since I have done a little work on the boat and dumped the stick radios !!!!!!

If I am not better,, I will be running on the clock 3-4 days a week to push the learning curve .. I'll through a mono and a Tunnel out with me to have traffic ... ( wife & daughter )

Thanks guys,

Butch / WB

John says I will have to beg for fuel....{ Natural Gas }.... " Swamp Fox Fuels " will have to start production earlier than planned !!!!! ;) :ph34r:


I'm the type of person that if I am having a problem ...I will not stand for it very long and will do what ever it takes to be one of the best !!!!! I do not settle for average ....................!!

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no i started way out in thoughs lanes and stayed there,because i knew the other boat would be faster than i.although i did have to drive aroun dead boats.

hi allen i wasn't trying to say that you did wrong. if you want to drive in lane 10 then do so that is your right to. but if you are in a lane and a faster boat is catching you hold your lane. the reason is that the driver of the faster boat already knows how they are going to pass you and if you try to move out of the way you might just might be moving into his path with very bad results.

what i was talking about earlier was at the start of the race cutting off the whole field. i did not see eather of you do this. but i see this in general it was done to me at the internats last year in the 60 tunnel class and was never called. just do not get discourged and keep racing. we are glad to see ya. what get me is when there are two or three boats that are running the same and side by side there will be bumping and grinding that is racing and the cd wants to disqulify one of them for touching another boat to me that is going a little overboard and no john i am not singling you out i am speeking in general. see ya soon jimmy
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jydracing said:
hi allen i wasn't trying to say that you did wrong. if you want to drive in lane 10 then do so that is your right to. but if you are in a lane and a faster boat is catching you hold your lane. the reason is that the driver of the faster boat already knows how they are going to pass you and if you try to move out of the way you might just might be moving into his path with very bad results.
  what i was talking about earlier was at the start of the race cutting off the whole field. i did not see eather of you do this. but i see this in general it was done to me at the internats last year in the 60 tunnel class and was never called. just do not get discourged and keep racing. we are glad to see ya. what get me is when there are two or three boats that are running the same and side by side there will be bumping and grinding that is racing and the cd wants to disqulify one of them for touching another boat to me that is going a little overboard and no john i am not singling you out i am speeking in general. see ya soon jimmy



Never thought you were pointing a finger my way. Rubbing will always be a part of racing. It is more prevalent among monos than anything else. Rubbing with riggers can be deadly. If a boat cuts off another one, blows them off, washes them down or incurs a driving infraction, they will park their boat. The 2 DQ's I called on Saturday cured that action for the entire weekend. Plenty of warning was given to all before we started racing. I had to issue one warning on Sunday and that settled things down for good. For a seasoned veteran it is easy to tell when a boat hooks or similar action and when it is intentionally driven in front of someone else. And I will call it.

I am a firm believer that the lake has more than enough room for 6-8 boats to run without being on top of each other. That is why they are told to spread out and give each other room. 3 or 4 boats cannot occupy the same real estate (space of water) no matter what. Lap 1 going into buoy 1 is crash city. I cringe every heat of what will not come out of the turn. The monos are the worse ones by far. That is what Jimmy is saying. More infractions occur at the very start of the race.

I am also a firm believer that a new racer, who does not have the necessary skills to run in the pack, does not belong in the inside lanes. They belong on the outside. Gives them margin of safety when they get nervous and the boat fishtails, etc. Remember, they are brand new novices and we all have been there. That releases the inside for the racers that are racing for position. The last thing a racer or CD wants to see is a boat going from lane 1 to lane 5 in a couple of seconds. The faster boats do not know where to go when coming up on them. I'll admit that they have the right to any lane they choose but they have to have the skill to be able to keep it there safely. And most dead boats wll be on the inside half of the course. That is why I sometimes move them to the outside. My decision and it is for safety reasons and to give the skilled racers the inside course. It is exceptionally rare that someone will complain and that is usually the rookie. Once explained they understand. I generally do not worry about a skilled driver and a slower boat not on the needle and/or pipe on the inside lanes. They can hold their lanes and the upcoming boats have some confidence thay they will not have a boat darting in front of them. Just pure common sense IMHO.

There is a fine art of watching a race. I watch each boat and how the driver drives their boat. Everyone has a style and a driving method. Study those that you will be racing against and note their habits. IE, going into and out of the turns, passing, getting and staying on the clock, starts, etc. KNOW your opponent and their habits. Get your pit man doing the same thing.
Hold your lane, Hold your lane, Hold your lane! Let me drive around you! I wish everybody would do this.

And if you are out in the boondocks trying to kill time before the start don't cut me off when I am in Lane 1 coming around bouys 4,5, and 6! :angry: :angry:

My rant for the day.

I actually prefer the slower boats on the inside if I had to choose. If they are within the first five lanes (10 feet) then most faster boats will go to the outside. But when two boats are neck to neck then the inside boat can always use the slower to his advantage and cut in. So, if the slow boat is to the inside 1) faster boats will tend to stay out and have to race each other 2) it only gives you one way to go (the safe way) 3) the slower boat wil have to deal with the dead boats. Imagine the slow boat in lane 15, you and another coming through and have to navigate the slow boat and all-of-a-sudden a dead boat in lane 10.
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