installing stuffing tube


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I am looking for other peoples methods used in installing stuffing boxes in a rigger. currently i put 1 small square of glass cloth under the tube and 2-3 on top. But this really does not look very good I usually have to do a lot of filling on the bottom of the tub and i'm not very confident that it is as strong as it could be. Any other methods I should know of?

On the SAW rigger, I installed a 1 1/4" long brass tube the next size up from the actual stuffing tube size through the floor of the tub at the correct angle and epoxyed it in both sides, this allows you to slide out the stuffing tube for cleaning , replacement, Etc. I used 5 minute epoxy and it flowed out and was very smooth and even.

i use the next size tube, long enough to just clear the bottom of the tub. put some masking tape on the bottom then spread enough epoxy to fill the cavity in the radio box(rough up the tube with a file or course sand paper first). after this dries sand and epoxy on a piece of carbon graphite cloth on top. thats it. i've used this method on the last 6 eagle sgs iv'e built ,and it works perfect(20 to 67 size) never had a problem.
Very smart...

Have to try that out!

Hate I diden't come up with such a simble, but effective way to install the tube ;)

steve... what type of epoxy are you useing? and what weight of cf cloth?


What I do is very much like the other guy. I use two brass tubes, one where the shaft runs in and another that that tube go in. I cut the bottom of the boat for the larger tube to fit, the I cut to strips of hard wood at the same angle as the tube I hold them in place with some CA. then I turn the boat over and put tape over the cut out, and turn the boaut over again and fill the cut out with 30 min epoxie, this will give you a good strong bond but its has more flex than resin.
