Happy Birthday Piper!!


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
Happy Birthday! I hear ya got your AARP card in the mail! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

1 member is celebrating his/her birthday today

happy BD, piper! hope you have a happy and healthy year. see ya in march! no, don, he's got a few more years before he can get a card like mine :p .
Happy Birthday Piper!

Don just because you and my dad are getting old dosn't mean the rest of us are as old as yall are! :eek: :p :D :lol:
Dang Piper! If it means anything, you dont look THAT old.... :D

Happy Birthday!

I thought you where in your late 30's??? :huh: Wanted to wish you a happy birthday!!!! 49 years old!! well that younger then Ron O!! By 6 rock years!! :lol: !! I gess you where born in 1776 the revlution days and Ron O in the stone ages!! Have a good one! :lol: :lol:
Thanks everyone. Another year older is a good thing, certainly better than the alternative. :D
Hey girl, I saw that! ;)

****, 49 already. Don't sweat it as you're only as old as you feel. The AARP letters will start filling your mailbox soon.

Enjoy the day buddy.
Happy Birthday Chuck !!!!!! I don't care what anybody says , you don't look a day over 50 . :D :D :D :D