Futaba R603FF 2.4 GHz FASST Receiver


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I got 931mA AFTER being used for well over an hour at the track

But your first post said this:

I assumed maybe my rx battery was low (even though it went out freshly charged).
So it was either freshly charged or had been run for an hour. Oh well. Sorry, I am out of ideas. My 3PM FASST works flawlessly in 7 fast boats with no issues on both 603FF and 603FS receivers.
Why are you so set on trying to find a flaw in my story?! It's not like I'm sitting here bashing a product for no reason. I bought a FUTABA because I've USED Futaba for over 20 years. Myself (and other modelers) have experienced similar issues with this radio. I'm glad yours works, mine doesn't.

When I said I assumed maybe my battery was low, I meant maybe the battery was in bad condition. That's why I immediately put it on the cycler when I got home. Sheesh!

Please dont let this one bad RX ruin your 2.4 experience. Sure you are going to hear about some failures from time to time. It’s a newer operating system and people are on the fence about change. Lots of people are looking for that “I told you so” scenario. Sad but true.. You trusted us and bought the stuff.. your not one of them.. and THANK you for that.

If you could sit here today in my chair I can tell you that you would not see 27, 72 or 75 in any better light. Trust me they have there issues too but being around so long and not being under the spot light the problems do not rise to the surface as much.

Here is what I can say…

I have yet to have a single failure that has cost me a race, crashed my boat or harmed my equipment in anyway and I have ALLOT of test time on this stuff. What is happening to your stuff? I don’t know but I bet Futaba Service would like to know!

I have however seen a few RXs reset after a very HARD impact. Hence the reason for my earlier question. This reset takes what seems to be a few seconds but as of yet its very hard to reproduce so its hard to measure how long it actually takes. I very much doubt our boats could reproduce that type of impact unless it is am impact that is going to destroy the boat anyway.

Just more fluff but never the less true. Our new team member Brian “Snowman” Buaas just ran over 100MPH with a P - FE rigger and made MANY MANY passes with “My personal” 3Pk – 2.4 system.. the same system that won the Tunnel National championships as well as many other races throughout the summer. Hot outside, cold, FE, Nitro, Gas.. just did not matter.. the stuff never let me/us down. Russ Williamson won 3 national championships all with 2.4.. I ran cheap RTRs, lighting quick riggers as well as my true pride and joy my U-40 1/8 scale Miss Bardahl…all using 2.4.. All I can say is I will never go back to XTLS…. Truth is I thought I was going to be the LAST ONE TO SAY THAT….lol

Anyway.. call Futaba…see if they can help first


I know there's plenty of FASST systems in use with no issues whatsoever. That's the EXACT reason I bought one!

I have another friend who uses an old Spektrum DX3 and has never had an issue. I bought a DX6 when they first came out (before I had the need for more channels and got a 9C). It too worked flawlessly and actually impressed me with its range depiste being a park-flyer system.

I had even planned on eventually using the FASST module systems for my 3PK and 9C, but now I'm skeptical and I feel I have a valid reason to feel that way.

I'm not new to R/C or electricity. I also fly 3D aircraft with 5+ digital servos, so I'm fully aware of the precautions needed to ensure proper voltage to the receiver.

In any case, I'm not giving up on 2.4 in any way. I know it's here to stay, but for now I'll stick to the sidelines and let the manufacturers refine the technology some more. That's OK, right? :unsure:

Trust me, I too prefer the shorter antennas (esp. on the rx), the faster response and increased resolution and more than anything - not having to wait inline to play with my toys.
Your doing the right thing man.. You have to have confidence in the system and I/we all understand that.

Keep us posted and thanks for giving Futaba FASST a try. Also its good to get your history like that.. All of us here at I waters can better understand you and your questions and concerns.


Hmmmmm, Futaba lists the range in the instruction page for the 2.4 FASST module for the 3PK/PJS & 603FS RX, under optimum conditions, of 80 meters. That's 262.46 feet or 87.48 yards.............. :unsure:

When you get the chance do some testing and tell us what you get for range.


" Hi XXXX,

The 3PM 2.4GHz radio has a range of 80 meters or 260 feet, a football field is 300 feet. Most race tracks are not as large as a football field.



Product Development & Support Specialist

Futaba Service Center USA"

So like... who's word should I trust here?? The manufacturer? The marketing team? The end users? :lol:
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" Hi XXXX,
The 3PM 2.4GHz radio has a range of 80 meters or 260 feet, a football field is 300 feet. Most race tracks are not as large as a football field.



Product Development & Support Specialist

Futaba Service Center USA"

So like... who's word should I trust here?? The manufacturer? The marketing team? The end users? :lol:
Did you reply that our straights are 330 feet & 400 feet buoy 2 to buoy 5?? :p
Another thing that has me concerned about FASST...

Howcome the aircraft systems or modular systems aren't limited to such short range, hmm? Serious - can ANYONE answer that one?!

This leads me to believe Futaba has followed in the same steps of Spektrum with a low-output (inexpensive, short range) and a high-output (expensive, more range) version. But there's only one type of FASST that I know of.

The issues I've read about concern the 3PM with built-in FASST. The positive reports are coming mostly from the FASST module users.

There's just too many weird, unexplained, unproven and unexpected issues popping up. This "development" has made me lose a lot of faith in Futaba radio systems. Well, that and all the "made in China" stickers.
I dont recall how many feet it is out to the offshore buoy at our pond in atlanta, but FASST equiped boats have gone out to it no problems.

Ill be testing the FASST in my cat sunday at our club pond.
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The issues I've read about concern the 3PM with built-in FASST. The positive reports are coming mostly from the FASST module users.
I run the 3PM FASST in several boats. No issues. And there is absolutely NO difference between the 3-channel module and the non-module FASST systems as far as the RF section is concerned.
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Hey Bill,

Maybe instead of being so obsessed with trying to find errors in my statements you should put more energy into reading comprehension. You're the only one I've had to reiterate my posts for.

I said, "How come Futaba Aircraft AND Modular FASST systems do NOT have any range limitations whereas the 3PM FASST system DOES"

I even posted a reply by Krysta of Futaba USA.

Get off your high horse and go boating or something. :blink:
Hey Bill,
Maybe instead of being so obsessed with trying to find errors in my statements you should put more energy into reading comprehension. You're the only one I've had to reiterate my posts for.

I said, "How come Futaba Aircraft AND Modular FASST systems do NOT have any range limitations whereas the 3PM FASST system DOES"

I even posted a reply by Krysta of Futaba USA.

Get off your high horse and go boating or something. :blink:
Sorry, the coffee had not kicked in yet. Missed that one. I just happen to be a big fan of the FASST systems and there has been a lot of misinformation floating around lately. Again, sorry about that. I'll read twice and type once next time around. I edited my original post to make it more accurate.

I'll just leave it at that.
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Bill and everyone,

I'm sorry for participating in this thread. Evidently I'm clueless as to how to setup a radio system. I tried to join the FASST brotherhood but I guess my modeling skills are not up to par with the intellectual demands required by the FASST system.

I'll just continue playing with my silly little planes, boats and cars on old-school, fool-proof technology.

Good luck to the rest of you!


"And while the R603FS will not give you any futher range, it will filter out more "dead spots" than the R603FF." - Bax

(dead spots - awesome!)

"Hello I just purchased the Futaba 3pm 2.4 radio today from my local hobby shop. But when I set everything up, there was smoke coming from the Receiver." - Another stupid end-user

"Recently we have learned that a very small number of the TM-7 modules, and 6EX and 7C FASST systems were incorrectly coded with a common code number during the manufacturing process. These units were subsequently sold prior to our awareness of the situation." - 6C & 7C FASST Advisory

(I wonder what else they're gonna learn as more and more units are sold)

"While refueling the 4th tank, the car radio seized. Radio was still functional, with the servo screen and buttons still active. I immediately pulled the RX out and there was a steady red. The rx was warm to touch, I did not take a temp, but i'm sure it's in the 40s-50 Celcius. I'm not sure if it was the radiant heat from the engine or what, but it was warm. Much more warmer when I was using 3PK with HRS RX.

After about a minute of discussion, I turned on the radio and it functioned as it would again." - Stupid newbie

"At any rate, if there are a lot of systems in use, enough to start crowding the band, then you'll find that it will take a very long time for the receiver to 'find' the transmitter, and control response will be very sluggish. You'd immediately see that you would not be able to fly." - Bax

"while driving the truck just stops, I lose all control( it normaly doesn't run away) it's like it freezes like it lost power to every thing.. Then wait 2-3 sec then away it goes again." - Obviously has no idea what he's doing (like me!)

"I also have a brand new 3pm tx/rx that keeps running away. I have tried different failsafe settings etc and it still runs away for some reason. It runs away at wherever the servos are set at the time, and goes out of my control for like 2.5 to 3 seconds. Just enough time it hit a concrete block and broke the front of the car." - He has no business being in R/C!

I can go on, but you know what... I don't need to. I bought a radio, it failed me the first time out, I'm not alone and I have nothing to prove. I've already gotten my money back :lol:

The real truth about this internet banter is that nobody really cares who is who or whom has done what or yada yada yada.

You are going to be told a lot of things by different people, companies, Joe schmoe and people in the know. Yea either buy the stuff and ***** or not because in today’s world of the “mostly useless information super highway” you can reach a lot of people in a negative way, or, you can use it to your advantage, and truth be told lots of that is useless. Just like this, my very own post!

Let me see how this sounds..

Yea guys I spent 400 dollars on this new Futaba FASST thing and it works great I love it!


I spent 400 dollars on a new Futaba FASST system and it crashed my %$@#@ RC boat.

Ones bragging and ones bitchin… you just can not win.

If this was a dog forum and the thread was:

Does anybody have a pug puppy

Did you know that my new Pug Puppy pissed outside today!

Did you know my fricking Pug puppy pissed on the ^%$%^ rug today!!

If this was a dog forum you would have had people saying “well you have to let them out every 2 hours when there a puppy.. and another saying.. your all wrong you only have to let them out every 3 hours!.. everybody is an expert..

Now.. to really focus in on the original question about this thread.... I mean use all your power and focus hard….

The answer is…………



……..for me to poop on……….
I am sincerely sorry that you had a bad experience with the FASST system. I can say that it is not typical, but that means nothing when you are the one having the problem. I am further saddened that you took mine, or anyone ele's attempt to share our experience with you as a personal insult. That certainly was and never is, my intention.
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Ironically, the only FASST users here contesting my claims are a Team Futaba pilot (ooooh free shirts) and a Hobbico employee. :rolleyes:

Grim, at least you're a gentleman.

And hey, I still love Futaba... I'll just be adding another 3PK PCM to my family instead of a 3PM FASST :p
……..for me to poop on……….


sorry just had to :lol: