extra oil in fuel


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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2004
what kind of oil should i get if i want to put some extra oil in the fuel? what oil works well as afterrun oil? thanks
i got omega 15% right now and im running .21, im not sure how much oil it has in there. what got me worried is when my friend tried to buy 15% omega at my lhs for his car. the guy there said the oil content was too low because it was airplane fuel and that the engine will seize if he used it. is this just a bunch of bs, or is that guy right about the engine seizing? is engine seizing a problem with boats?
i got omega 15% right now and im running .21, im not sure how much oil it has in there. what got me worried is when my friend tried to buy 15% omega at my lhs for his car. the guy there said the oil content was too low because it was airplane fuel and that the engine will seize if he used it. is this just a bunch of bs, or is that guy right about the engine seizing? is engine seizing a problem with boats?
15% oil is plenty for a boat application, I run 12% oil in my MAC21. B)
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i got omega 15% right now and im running .21, im not sure how much oil it has in there. what got me worried is when my friend tried to buy 15% omega at my lhs for his car. the guy there said the oil content was too low because it was airplane fuel and that the engine will seize if he used it. is this just a bunch of bs, or is that guy right about the engine seizing? is engine seizing a problem with boats?
15% is plenty fora boat application, I run 12% in my MAC21. B)
Wow, you're only running 12% nitro? I'm amazed! :p

i got omega 15% right now and im running .21, im not sure how much oil it has in there. what got me worried is when my friend tried to buy 15% omega at my lhs for his car. the guy there said the oil content was too low because it was airplane fuel and that the engine will seize if he used it. is this just a bunch of bs, or is that guy right about the engine seizing? is engine seizing a problem with boats?
Omega 15% aero fuel has 17% oil of which 30% is castor and 70% is synthetic. This is plenty of oil for most boating applications. The only time I might be tempted to add in a bit more castor is if I was running a really old engine. As is quite common when it comes to boats, the LHS guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Just remember that the key to long engine life for boats, cars, or planes is always run it on the rich side. Lean runs will kill any engine.
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If you have to add oil I would suggest you should change to a better fuel. Good fuel mixers use the right oil package already if you have to add oil then your admitting you have the wrong fuel in the first place. I have always found it funny a guy will swear by a fuel then follow up that he adds castor. FWI I used to run O’Donnell and never added any oil as that fuel ran cooler than most with the oil that it comes with. I now mix my own fuel to save money and use Klotz KL-100. Most good hobby stores or motorcycle shops stock Klotz castor if you have some poor quality fuel you feel that you have to add oil to or you can order direct from Klotz. As for after run oil get yourself a can of engine fogging oil for full size outboards at a good sporting goods store it stays put in the motor and displaces any moisture.
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ATF works just fine as afterrun oil. It's cheap and you can get it anywhere...
can i use any ATF? which one works better, fogging oil, atf, or afterrun oil?
ATF works fine but here's an option for you that I've used for quite a while now with great success. I use a 50/50 mix of Marvel Air Tool Oil (NOT Marvel Mystery Oil) and 80 weight synthetic gear oil. The is nothing more sensitive to moisture than air powered tools but the ATO is really a bit thin on it's own in our usage. However, ATO combined with the clinging property of the gear oil this makes for a killer combination that really works well. B)
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