esc for a 5282 motor


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gil sonsino

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2004
I built a cat for a friend with a Top Power 5262 motor (25 volts) and would like to know what esc you FE guys recommend for this motor....Equipped with a 180A turnigy esc the boat few seconds after hit top speed loose power and slow speed.I only run nitro riggers so I have no clue what's the issue.

Any help will be appreciate.

what is the KV rating of the motor, what boat are you running it in, what battereies (Cell count, miliamp rating, C rating), what prop are yo utrying to run.

all information you can provide is needed for a good recomendation for you.

I would look only to make sure your not hitting the low voltage cut off. If you originally set up the esc with a not fully charged battery then it could coz it to shut down like that by auto setting the esc for the wrong cell count. Id go back and manuall set the esc up for the proper cell count and timing. The timing should be set low for a 4 pole motor.
Motor 1700kv ,sprint cat especially made for electric motor(light) 6s 4400mh 35C prop Prather 240 modified. as we lauch the boat its acceleration is incredible but all of a sudden the speed slows like the esc can't hold the power of the motor.

drop the prop to a X447 and see what happens then.

also TURN OFF the low voltage cutoff on the T180 esc but watch your run time so that you do not

over discharge the batteries.

if all you have other prather props then try the 225 and 230 props

the 240 might be a bit big for it.
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well also tried a X448 with no sucess.How can I turn off the low voltage cut off on this esc? Man my business is nitro so I do know I need to learn a lot of new things about watts and volts.

Appreciate your help

you need to program the esc. Try to see if you can understand the instructions on programming it. Paperwork should be provided.The esc can handle all the props youve tried. Most likely its a reprograming issue. If the speed controls is not coming in HOT it should be okay.Make sure its staying relatively dry as well.

Hugh you're right I guess the problem is programming.I read repeadly all instructions and they are clear to me so I will try again.No the esc is not hot and everything is absolutely dry.


Also if the radio loses signal the esc will auto shut down check everything. If its a futaba radio you may need to hit the servo reverse switch on the radio and re program. If the manual programming is too complicated charge the motor batteries fully and let the esc auto arm.
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Gil this is a common problem with the T180 esc, as been said turn off the lvc but watch run times carefully or youll damage the batteries.Also dont set the cells to auto. Not sure if your setting with beeps through the tx or if you have a program box, if you dont have a box get yourself one. They are so cheap & simple to set things as it can get confusing with counting beeps etc it easy to loose your way or select the wrong setting. Program box you cant go wrong. Martin.
Martin the real problem was the lvc and with the programming card we solved this issue.


The LVC was the core of all that problem......... a programming card as Mark pointed out lead to the solution. The esc was set to the max voltage so with the fast drop of charge the lvc was activated to protect the sistem.Tomorrow I will test the boat again and try to make a video to post here.

thanks for the great help.

first day of good tests despite dirty water conditions due to a storm we had this morning.. water cleaned hours later...not bad and confident to make more progress.Boat is called Extreme cat a modified version of sprint cat 90 that I made from epoxi resin and light fiber cloth equipped with a beast motor the Top Power 5682(8 hp).The esc after being programmed worked great with no issues.The prop a 240 Prather detongued with little more cup also worked time will test the toy in our big lake with more volts..

Once you guys get the cg right shes going to really run. Ben told me that the tp motors are great. He prefered them over the leo's
Hugh agreed with the TP preference.The cg is good but the problem was the huge amount of leaves crapped into the rudder and strut.

Gil your a nitro guy dont fall in love with FE lol . Ya slippin into the abyss.

Nice wheelie :lol:
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