Empty chair


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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2005
Remember, on Thanksgiving & Christmas while you're eating your dinner, smiling and laughing, that in another house there's an empty chair where a hero should be sitting. They gave up their lives so you could sit with your family, so light a candle for the Heroes who did not make it back and for those who are still serving out in Afghanistan, Iraq or another place.

We will never forget!!!


Brandon Family
That literally sent chills down my spine. Thank you for the reminder that we are very blessed to live in a country like the US and to have thousands of men and women to defend her while we go about our everyday lives. I know I am guilty of taking this for granted and it's nice to have someone to remind me which in turn makes me appreciate what I do have in life even more. Lord, please watch over our military and return them all home safely and watch over their families in this holiday season.

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