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Good one Glenn

Ya think their attracted to the marble or granite

OOOOOOOOOOoooooohohhhhhh it was 50 today. another 4 months the ice might be melted. then we can forget about the zombie apocolys as Si says
Well now the topic goes back on track, 73 degrees and sunny today and a winter storm watch issued for late tomorrow with 4+ inches of snow expected. DAMMIT I'm tired of this BS!!!!
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Same here Don,

Mid 70's today, rain tonite changing over to snow Sunday 2 ta 3" expected......

Tell ya what guy's we've screwed up, global warming, polar vortex something.

Old say'n here is if ya don't like the weather wait a hour and it'll change,

But this is plum nutz!

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As ELP said "welcome back my friends to the show that never ends" 68° here today, went down to the pond & caught a few bass. Up to 6" of snow by monday a.m.!!!
As ELP said "welcome back my friends to the show that never ends" 68° here today, went down to the pond & caught a few bass. Up to 6" of snow by monday a.m.!!!
Were so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside. Gotta see the SNOW. It's a Rock an Roll. RRRay
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With the air we had today over Florida, Gainesville qualifying should have some late BIG numbers. Dry, high pressure set in.
Well, Things are as they should be here in Northern CA. Had a few weeks of heavy rain at winters end and nice with a bit of a light wind for the first weeks of spring. Enough water to run a boat in and no white stuff to shovel.
See the gypsy queen in a glaze of snow. Started here an hour ago. Sick of all 4 seasons in 24 hours !!!
Man no kidd'n

Snow'n today down to 18 degrees tonite, Sunny and 58 tomorrow

Type fav cuss word here..............

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My wife figured it out! We have a small pond out front, she claims we're getting POND EFFECT snowCAM00003.jpg this is what it causes - LOL