Our Buddy Gene


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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2001
Hea guys.

I just got an email from the legendary Gener.. He says hi and that he has got his winter time spair time used up with the following picture.

Heck, what are some of you guys doing this winter to keep you from going insaine.

Hmmmm................it's gonna need some sponsons on the front before it will float. ;)
Hmmmmmm, That looks like the Bolink 1/10 scale Funnycar,

Looks like a way ta keep busy when the pond freezes over!!!! I am sure Gene is glad ya put it on the Main Page too!!! ;)

Slide 8)
i knew gene could not get out of the rc hobby completely... maybe he would like a little 6 cell rigger! : :)
Sheeeeesh!!!!! I am a legend in my own mind, Yes Oh Yes,

The Funnycar is a break from the norm that will keep me busy this Winter. Thank you Grim ;)

You all take care and Keep on Postin!!!!!

Later Dudes.

Gene ;D
Hea Gener

This should make your water boil..

First when you have batterys let me know.. If your water does not get hard like ours this could prove helpfull..

I will send you the E-Ninja Proto to play with. In the hands of the Gener this thing should fly.. Let me know and i will ship.
OOOOOOOhhhhhhhh, I like that one, Or maybe it was that one pic of the Cutie Pie holding it :eek: He,He

Tell ya what, let me get "my ducks in a row" so ta speak, and find a decent streach of water that the owner knows "come here" from "sickum" and I will drop ya a line.

Very generous offer Man,

Thank You,

Gene ;D