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    (OT) Kill Bill

    Whatever happened good guy or bad guy he sure did a good job of entertaining us for many years.. and as entertainers go i think he was one of the better ones and ill miss his work and pray for his family...a star winks out and a new one takes its place lets hope the new one shines as bright
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    Using magnets in place of screws or cowl lock., Has any used magnets in place of screws or cowl lock

    I watched a visitor at our club pond with a herzog huricane that had the hatch held on with small probably 3/8 round magnets....the hatch staid put for some 60 plus mph runs and I saw it flip once and smack a bouy and go flying once and the magnets held each I am sold on them and will...
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    head clearance effect?

    not sure about the shim acting as a gasket I have seen engines with them and without. perhaps it depends on the engine manufacturer...but i do agree that the engine you have may have been modified and you may need to modify somemore to get it back...
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    head clearance effect?

    To much gap=less compression and less displacement..take it to the recomended specs and I bet you see a good diferance in it
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    K&B 7.5

    Has the engine been disasssembled ? if it has it might be a torn gasket between the front bearing case or the back plate..but laedco I bet hit the nail on the head
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    AC models fc 35 cat questions

    That is what I was curiouse about if I had a big enough engine for it or not...THANKS for youre info
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    AC models fc 35 cat questions

    Thanks Tall for the advice..Ill set the strut there to start with and go from there and I have allready purchased all my hardware all i need is a bit of advice as to where to place it on the transom..I went and read impba rules and regs and couldnt find much on cat hulls at all so the advice I...
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    wanted ops .60 carb

    Ihave 3 ops 60's and they came with some spare carbs I do beleive let me go look and see what I have and Ill post again
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    Vacuum Infusion

    Ihave alot of experience with vacum lamination. what are you using for a mold? need to know that before I can answer to many questions but here is some general info.... I always used a material called PVA to bag the lamination in.. it is a water soluable plastic you can make a bag slightly...
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    AC models fc 35 cat questions

    I am going to start assembling an AC models fc 35 cat and it will be my first cat so I have a couple questions and would greatly apreciate any help... I have a brand new picco 67 to use for motivation. is this engine to small for the hull should it be gas powered or a larger nitro perhaps...
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    Old Bluehead Picco on ebay.

    Speaking of pico 67's. where can I get parts I have 2 of them and all I need is a head gasket for one of them but nobody around me has a clue where to get parts THANKS FOR ANY HELP
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    RTR Pictures

    Ok My 2 cents worth Miss Hydro should apreciate this..My modified miss lumar..reinforced glass so it will handle some power.all aluminum hardware and metal prop,K&B.21 and hydros favorite Kosmloski house of color paint... black base with medium metal flake faded onto the black then candy red and...
  13. modified miss lumar

    modified miss lumar

    another view of the lumar
  14. modified miss lumar

    modified miss lumar

    This boat I bought broken in need of repair..tore it down repaired and reinforced the fiberglass ,repaintedand installed a K&B .21 inboard along with all aluminum running gear and a good metal looking forward to running it in the next couple weeks.
  15. prather spitfire 1

    prather spitfire 1

    This is my first hydro and I love it have plans to build a new hydro from scratch should be fun..this has the super tiger .21 outboard and a simple futaba radio nothing fancy just runs good..
  16. gas powered prather

    gas powered prather

    This is the first gas boat I have built.the engine is a warehouse hobbies modified 26cc pum. piranah stinger that has been modified to be adjustable while running on third secret rudder and trim tabs. spektrum dx3 radioand house of color candy paint job..
  17. my boats so far

    my boats so far

    just some pics of the boats I have built so far
  18. custom built air boat

    custom built air boat

    This hull I built from scratch from homemeade design. I have a super tiger g90 onit right now and cant keep it in the water i think I will downsize the engine to a 40 size and see what it does